Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Being Watched

Wow, had a real scare tonight. I had taken Coco out to do her business, it was around 8:30. Eddie was in the apartment, napping out. As we went around the corner, to go out back to the field, there stood a black guy, probably in his young twenties. He said hello, and walked up in front of me. He started telling me that he had been watching me, he knew my routine of daily, and nightly, walking Coco in front of our apartment, and in the back field. He knew which apartment I lived in, what car Eddie drove, that Eddie worked, and that I did not work. He said, I know you probably think that because you do not have any hair, and have some extra weight, that you are not attractive. But, he said, you are still pretty. He said, what I find very attractive about you, is your confidence. He said, everyday, you walk outside with your puppy, and you always have such a beautiful smile on your face.  You laugh, and giggle, as you play with your puppy. You are just so real, you do not care about not having any hair, he said he found that very attractive. He said, he lived in the apartments out back by the field, and does not work. He asked me if I smoked pot, or drank, and how old was I!! This entire time, all I said to him, was that I was married, happily married, and that my husband was in the apartment. He said, that is ok, he cannot hear me. Then, he reached over, and tried to get my hand, kept saying, come on, go walking with me!! Finally, I was able to get past him, and walked as fast as I could to my apartment. He said, I will see you tomorrow, or in a couple of days. Beyond scary. Please keep me in your prayers. Ask God to continue to watch over me, and keep me safe. Also pray for that guy, he definitely needs the Lord. I love you all.


Joyful said...

This is very scary. Please let the police know. We will most definitely keep you in prayers. I think it would be better if you and Eddie could both walk Coco.

Sincerity said...

Oh dear! Yes I will certainly pray for you, Eddie, and Coco. In the meantime please share your experience with the police.

It could be that this man is stalking other women in your area too. And if drugs and/or alcohol are involved he is a dangerous man. God certainly had His angels guarding you that day.

I will also pray for that man. So many people are allowing their whims control them these days.

Don't walk alone anymore. See if you can change some of your routines for a few days and be sure to keep all apartment doors and car doors locked at all times.

Blessings to you!

Parsley said...

That scares me for you! Please Lord, keep her safe!

enthusiastically, dawn said...

I agree in prayer with Parsley! Please report this to the authorities, Denise. This man is dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That's horrible! I would go crazy if someone did that to me. I even have someone texting me saying hey what's up a lot and it freaks me out! I will keep you in my prayers!

Father God, protect your child. Pour the blood of Jesus over her that no evil make try to take over her. I command your angels to have charge over her. Deliver her from her enemies! In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

What's a great scripture for this I think is Psalm 91 and Psalm 18:6-8

Hugs Denise ♥

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

You must call the police, Denise. This is serious stuff, and while I know that God will take care of you, you need to put up some boundaries.

Yes, prayers. Please take care of yourself.


sweetvintageofmine said...

Please Denise, be this a warning sign! Do not go out alone or make sure you have neighbors you trust around you at all times. Have you ever seen this person before? He may or may not be from your area...I would notify police for the never know, they could be looking for someone who has stalked or committed a crime around that area. Prayers that GOD will keep you safe. Do not take this lightly....Roxie

Dee said...

I am praying a hedge of protection about you. I the police and be very careful. So sorry this has happened....keep your door locked. We live in a dangerous day and age....

Dee said...

I am praying a hedge of protection about you. I the police and be very careful. So sorry this has happened....keep your door locked. We live in a dangerous day and age....

Phioxee said...

omg! that's really scary. he's definitely a stalker. this is my first time in this blog, and I was thinking this post might be a story, but this is real. please be careful. let's always pray for our safety. and teach coco how to respond with strangers. that guy should have been reported to the police. at least they would know something.

joy said...

Oh.Denise. that was really scary. Take care. You are in my prayer.

~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

I agree with everyone here Denise, call the police and take precautions with what you do. Obviously this guy is lost and wants what he sees you have which is your peace and joy...only one out there wants to steal away our peace and joy, and that is the enemy of our soul. Pray for the guy, but keep the perspective that many are being controlled by a spiritual darkness that makes them do horrible things! The very fact that he didn't care that your husband was in the apt, and still tried to take your hand to lead you away is proof enough that he is dangerous and beyond the ability to be rational!
I plead the blood of Jesus over you dear one, and also praying for a hedge of protection.
One more thing Denise,
Where I live it has always been low crime until recently when a pastor of a small church admitted to killing a young woman who he was friends with and doing horrid things to her body after...turns out he is believed to have killed two, possibly three women over the years now. and within weeks a man kidnapped and tried to set on fire a young woman when she hid in a house with two children (he didn't even know her), while another woman was kept prisoner for 5 days and shot in a cabin nearby! (there are more but i don't wanna hog your comment page...I just want you to see that crime is exploding at a frightening rate lately! People can not be trusted(sadly).

Unknown said...

Please consider this a warning and call the police. His words and actions are threatening and reportable. You must protect yourself. You are in my prayers.

Alice said...

Praying for you! This is disturbing, but God will take care of you.

Pam Williams said...

Whoa! You definitely need to give the police a call. That may be just what will get him the help he so desperately needs.

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Oh my goodness~ How scary is that! I will certainly keep you in my prayers. Hopefully the police will get involved and help out.
Praying God's Watchful care over you, Lisa :O)

LeAnn said...

Wow, that was a very scary story. Please be careful; this man seems dangerous. Prayers are being sent for you.
Blessings and hugs!

Annesphamily said...

This is scary. In Denver all the news channels on T.V. have segments where you can tell them different things, like this and they will get involved. Perhaps your local T.V. stations could help you. Please be safe and change your routine. Can you get any assistance from a home health care helper?