Friday, August 3, 2012

Five Minute Friday/Here

Here I am, feeling like a little lost lamb. My vision is truly fading away from diabetes. My world is trying hard to fade to black. But, the dimmer my eyes become, the more clearly I am beginning to see. Here in the dark, there is no black or white. Only stillness, which allows me to truly see life, the way it should be seen. Here, there is no judgement, everyone is the same. Praise God. Precious Lord, take my hand. Lead me where You choose. Here, there, anywhere. As long as I am with You Lord, I know I will be ok.


Fiona said...

Wow. Such truth! I love your words.....'no judgement'.....Praise God that with him all barriers are shattered. God bless you at this difficult but blessed time for you.

Anonymous said...

take care friend...enjoy your husband and pet and life...enjoy what you have now...was praying for you today only God nows the why's in our life..just enjoy what God has given you its going to be you soraya

Unknown said...

Thank you for this post. Praying for you and trusting in the healing power of Jesus. Thank God for no judgement


Dieneke said...

Thank you for these precious words.
I will pray for you.
Hugs, Dieneke

Tonya said...


Wanda's Wings said...

You are so brave.

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful heart you have Denise. Saying a prayer for you now sweet lady.

Anonymous said...

thank you for your heart-felt words, Denise. They are precious in the sight of the Lord! I am praying for your healing. blessings!

Anonymous said...

Difficult times Denise, but you are so strong! Thanks to Jesus.

Laura Wells said...

I feel so connected to anyone with diabetes. I have not had many complications yet. Saying a prayer for you.

Beloved said...

Blessing to you. "Here, there, anywhere. As long as I am with You Lord, I know I will be ok"
Enough said. Amen.
Thanks for playing FMF.
Peace and good.

Anonymous said...

I am giving you a HUG and some LOVE in Jesus Name! He knows all you are going through, and why! KEEP TRUSTING HIM!!! ♥♥♥