Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Good Morning
I just spoke with Denise.
She is with very bad kidney , urinary tract and bowel infection
She has had no solid foods and lost too much weight. this is the main prayer for her now is solids stay down. She is also too 'good' a patient. Got to get her to speak up more :)

Folks I gotta run. My 13 year old special needs daughter was in the ER with flu last night.
She needs me right now.
Would love your prayers for her too.
Thank you


Jocelyn said...

Love you, Denise *hugs*

Mary said...

am praying!

Wanda's Wings said...

May God touch your body now. Amen

Wanda's Wings said...

May God touch your body now. Amen

April said...

Thanks for the update...prayers are continuing for both Denise and your daughter!

Bernie said...

Keeping Denise in my heart and prayers....:-)Hugs

Prayers for your daughter as well, hope she feels better soon....Hugs

Anonymous said...

I am still praying for God's healing power for her, and I will pray for healing for your daughter as well!!!

God Bless,


Rebecca said...

Come on, Denise. Keep communicating with your doctor and other caregivers. He/she is there to help you.

I'm SO sorry to hear of all your pain and pray that the conditions that are flaring up will be soothed and brought under control.

I appreciate knowing where you are and how I can pray.

Anonymous said...

Donetta, I pray your young one is over the flu soon and I pray for you, strength and patience and loads of energy.
Denise and Eddie, you are in my thoughts and prayers...praying that you begin to gain strength and your food begins to stay down where it can nourish you, Denise.
Mama Bear

GranthamLynn said...

Good to hear your voice this morning. I will call tomorrow.
Love ya,

i said...

So sorry to hear this, Denise. Take it easy. You know all of us are praying for you.

“As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord will save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice…[and] deliver my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me” (Psalm 55:15-18).

Happy sends her loving wags and licks.

Karen said...

Remembering you both in prayer this evening. God bless you.

Sue said...

Thanks for the update, sending much prayers for sweet Denise.

More Than Words said...

Thank you for the update! Praying for Denise, and for your daughter.

Sharon Brumfield said...

Goodness.....praying for Denise and the other with the flu.

Marsha said...

Praying for you, sweet friend. And Donetta, I'm praying for your daughter, too. Love you both.