Thankful Thursday
Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be His glorious name. He gives, and takes away. What does He give me? Peace that flows into my life daily like a river, joy, joy, joy, provision for my daily needs, gentle loving care that only He can provide, physical attention better than any human doctor, smiles and much laughter, which is very good and healing for my soul, companionship, He is my dearest friend. I could go on and on listing all of the things He gives to me. What does He take away? He takes away my sorrows, my hurts, my sadness, my pain, my worries, my stress, my doubts, my loneliness, my physical ailments, my insecurities, my fears, and those deep down aches that dwell in my heart. He refreshes, renews, and replenishes me. I will forever say, blessed be His name, His glorious name.
Lovely sister. So lovely. Love your thankful heart. I love the Lord who gives us our joys and takes away our sorrows!
O blessed be HIS name, forever and ever AMEN!! He is our rescuer, redeemer, restorer, revealer, renewer, refiner, He makes his radiance shine through us. He is the Rock on which I stand,MY ROCK!
Praise His Holy Name!
Happy Thankful Thursday Denise!
He is the GREAT I AM!!
Beautiful post, Denise. Blessings and joy to you today and always!
Amen sista. Thank you for sharing! Blessings.
He gives so much more than we ever deserve doesn't HE!! Praise HIM
Love you
Denise, I love you. I love your heart, I love your faith, everything about you. Especially I love how your praise no matter what.
Beautifully put, Denise! Wishing you a blessed Thankful Thursday and many to come.
love are such an inspiration. Thank you so much for just being you...
Amen! Blessed be the name of the Lord! What an awesome TT post....
What a wonderful praise! Thank you for sharing it with us this Thankful Thursday.
Really enjoyed your post today!
Amen. Thank you for your great post and also for your comment on my blog.
Aren't we blessed with a Saviour who loves us, as undeserving as we are!
By the way, I'm going to be your newest follower! :-)
Oh my, Denise, this is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing this, and for your sweet comments to me.
No, I'm your newest follower! Thank you so much for the endearing post. Thanks for the prayer requests on your sidebar. In His joy, Gloria
He loves us so much! Have a blessed day Denise!
What does He take away? He takes away my sorrows, my hurts, my sadness, my pain, my worries, my stress, my doubts, my loneliness, my physical ailments, my insecurities, my fears, and those deep down aches that dwell in my heart.
Denise, you have put a beautiful spin on Job's words of Job 1:21. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Leave it to sweet you to say this.
Of all the things I read on the internet and forget, I PROMISE I'll remember this one!
You are AWESOME!
That was such a beautiful post!!
Love........ Undeserving...... but such LOVE .......
"Blessed be His glorious name!!"
ooh I forgot to weigh in this week. I'll have to do it next Tuesday. Blessings to you
So beautiful! Amen!
Amwsn Amen,
Luv U sis and thinking and praying for you, Thanks for always stopping by, I need prayer as well for my healing of my body!!!
luv you
I am thankful for our Savior too Denise. We are so blessed.
Happy TT!
what a beautiful heart you have...thank you for leaving a comment on my blog...i am glad god brought you...
Absolutely love how you put things in perspective the right way.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Oh my sweet just blessed me so!! Love you!!
Your gratitude is inspiring!
As Always Denise, I am so blessed!. Yes I will always give Him the Glory and Honor He deserves.
Thank you for sharing.
Much love and hugs,
Beautiful thankful list!!!
such amazing love!!
I can't believe I have been so remiss in signing up to follow you - thought I had!!! I just fixed that!!!!
Amen, Denise! God cares in so many wonderful ways. You are so precious to Him. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. I love you too. Take care!
Warm regards,
You inspire me to be more thankful
He refreshes, renews and replenishes me... oh yay! eternal yay!
amy in peru
Blessed be the name of the Lord.Thank you for sharing.
Blessings to you this Friday!
Praise the Lord! It is good to read your thankful heart.
Beautiful glad that I stopped by
So very lovely, my sweet friend ~ Love and Hugs ~
Oh, this makes me think of that worship song!! My absolute favorite! Makes me cry every time.
What beautiful words!
Hi, Denise! This is beautiful. Thank you. I also wanted to say thank you for stopping by my Laced with Grace post today. You blessed me.
Oh Denise,
He gives and takes away.... This song stirs me heart in a very deep way. This is a beautiful post.
Denise, you are a wonderful friend and for this TT. I give thanks for you.
Amen and Amen!
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