Thankful Thursday
I am so thankful that my Father God loves me, just as I am. He truly knows my heart, and who I really am. He understands my health problems, and even when I mess up, and do not take care of myself the way I should, He never judges me, only loves me. He understands that I accept the fact that I do not have hair, but I still feel more comfortable wearing bandanas, or hats. It is not that I am ashamed, just feel more comfortable when my head is covered. I have lost quite a bit of weight recently, and my clothes are no longer fitting me. I cannot afford to buy new clothes right now, but I am fine wearing what I have. If it seems like I am complaining about my health alot, please forgive me. I only covet your prayers. Someone recently really hurt me. Talked against my hair, my clothes, my health, and many other things. Please pray for her, and for me. My heart is really hurting over this. I love you, and I am very thankful for all of you.
Denise...I'll be praying. I don't understand how people can be so hurtful.
I'm sorry someone hurt you Denise. :o( You are doing the right thing by praying for her.
You never know -- maybe if you posted your new size some of your friends might have that size sitting in their closets. You know how we girls are ... we can certainly pass things along. Of course, I'm a giant compared to you I'm sure (5'9" +).
I pray Eddie gets good news today.
Love & hugs,
For the past days, the Lord is putting it into my heart to post something about how the world has a different version of "beauty"...the outward appearance...While He looks into a man's heart...
Sorry to hear that sister Denise...Yet, it's not surprising as we live in this crazy world where others are just focusing on worldly values. But you know those things do not matter because Someone shared and told us about the Truth. Prayed for you and that person. Sis, you know what your worth is to our true Friend. That's what matters. And the love you and your lovebug shares. Love you in Christ. And seeing your pics from recent posts, you are beautiful sis but what I saw first, was the inside which was more!
Denise, I'm sorry someone hurt you and was unloving. Your post is so inspiring this morning. Will be praying for you.
Sweet friend...anyone who says negative things to you has serious issues. Obviously, she is very insecure herself and definitely needs our prayers. Hold your head are beautiful inside and out no matter how your clothes fit. However, I pray GOD will supply you with a beautiful new wardrobe...He wants you to feel beautiful, too and you are a special blessing in ALL of our lives!!
Without having ever seen you in person, I still know that you are beautiful! You're heart is amazing; I can only imagine that you shine with the love of God in person. I pray that any words spoken over you that don't edify and build up, will not have any hold on you. You are right to ask for prayer, so that you can forgive and not give bitterness any door into your spirit.
I never think of you mentioning your health needs as complaining.
God bless you dear friend!
Denise, I am sorry that someone hurt you. It is always soo hard to understand why anyone would delibertly say mean and hurtful things. Your willingness to pray for this person shows your true beauty. Your right too, it is wonderful to know He has our very breath in His very capable hands. Have a great day. Blessings, Debbie
Oh that we could shield our hearts from the judgments of others. We know Truth yet the lies of the enemy spoken by another still work their way in. I am so very sorry. But I know you know who you are in Christ and nothing and no one, and certainly not thoughtless careless words, can change who we all see-with or without a bandanna-a wonderful child of God who loves Jesus and others every day in many ways! Blessings sister. You are beautiful. You are loved!
I am saying a prayer right now for you! I am blown away that you have such an amazing way of looking at everything. God has truly blessed you and all who know you!
I'm sorry someone was mean to you Denise. Asking for us to pray for her and you is really strong and loving of you. Just proves what a wonderful God loving woman you are. And I think you are adorable in your bandana. Your video you posted I thought you were too cute.
I agree with Beth. You need to let us know your size. I have told you I wish I could help more. This might be the way.
I am sorry that you were and are hurt by this.
You deserve only kindness which is what you give so may.
You Bless others even when your in a valley. Your request to pray for this person just shows the rest of us your heart.
Please let us know if we can help. I have your address I just need to have sizes!
Sending you a hug.
Oh how I also am thankful that God truly knows my heart and who I really am. I am so thankful that He loves me just as I am. When we feel like we're being rejected by others around us (whether by words or actions or both), we can always know that God is right there loving us the whole time. I will pray for you, that God will heal your hurt.
Take care,
That is aweful... I am sorry someone hurt you. You are an amazing person to ask for prayer for them too.
Hi Denise,
I am so sorry that someone would hurt, and i will be praying for them as well.
I so enjoyed your thankful post, and like you know that when I don't do what I am so suppose to He is always there.never condemning nor judging me.
i am still praying for you and your dear husband.
Hugs, and Blessings,
Isn't it wonderful that God loves us just as we are?!
Congrats on the recent weight loss! Let us know what size you wear - We would love to help you out. And don't you worry about what others say about your hair and clothes. I learned this lesson a long time ago. I will continue to pray. I love you.
I will be praying...I am so sorry someone hurt you like that but your love for God comes out in an amazing way when you can ask for prayers for them thanks for being such an inspiration
Words can be so hurtful Denise. I love though that you are praying for this person who hurt you. That is God's way. I will pray for you.
Love you,
Girl...I love you!
I have been through this myself...not here in blogdom...but women I used to go to church with.
I know how it hurts. God taught me to evaluate the source. So many times people are speaking from their lack of growth with the Lord...and out of their own insecurities.
I agree with some of the comments...don't know what size you are...but made if you don't feel comfortable putting you size here...send out an email to those who have said they would be willing to help.
I would be glad to look through my many sizes. :)
You might just be surprised at what you get.
Love ya girl
I'm so sorry Denise... I hate that someone hurt you. I too pray for that person with you... and also continue to pray for you and your lovebug. You are SO LOVED DENISE.
You are one of the most amazing people I've ever met blogging. Well, I know we haven't met in person, but you know what I mean.
I love ya girl.
I'm so sorry someone hurt you. I will be praying for you.
I'm so sorry someone hurt you. I'll be praying for you!
So sorry that you were hurt. I'll be praying.
My sister-in-law lost her hair and it just started growing back. She then had to start a new chemo and is loosing it again. Hair is something I think about these day s because of her. I hope you are feeling well today. ~
I love how your attitude and heart for God comes through here, even in your pain and frustrations. You are indeed a beautiful woman.
Denise, I love you and am praying for you. I am sorry that someone has hurt you. Thank God that you are resting in His love. May His love continue to encourage you and strengthen you daily. Hugs. Nancie
Blessings Sweet Denise, I love you and I hurt with you that someone was judgmental because frankly after seeing the video of you, I like you both ways...I like your bandanas!
Let it go Denise. It's sad when someone hurts us but we know what God says about judging others. We are so blessed to have seen your inside that we can't help but love you inside out.
I pray that the finances are provided by God once again...and allow your sisters to continue helping you so give out your new size...go window shopping, try something on and see what size fits! You have such a beautiful sweet face and such a thankful heart. You take care of your health too besides Lovebug! Loving ya' and praying believing!!!Peggy
Isn't it sad that people can't just be nice?? I'm so sorry. Denise you are an overcomer. You are a warrior in the kingdom. And you are a very precious sister. Praying for you girl. Thanks for sharing.
Oh my sweet is just so amazing to me that anyone could speak cruelly about you. You are quite simply one of the sweetest sisters I know. I know that doesn't take the sting away but know how much we all love you! And we do!!! Now multiply that times gazillions and that is how much God loves you!
Big hugs!
Hi Denise, I'm so sorry you are hurting right now. You are in my prayers. God bless you.
Sweet sister,
I pray that the Lord uses the words of your blog friends to encourage and lift you up! You are such a blessing, and I pray right in this moment, you are blessed as well.
I think you are doing a great job of being joyful always, content, and at peace!
Will pray. So very sorry that you have been hurt dear one.
They talked negatively about Jesus, too! How it must have hurt. I'm SO sorry Denise and pray for grace and healing of your heart - AND body!
Continuing to pray for healing and now I'm going to add the lady who spoke insensitively to you also to my prayer time. May God open her eyes so that she can ask your forgiveness. I'm praying that somehow God will reward you with some good fitting clothes.
Who could have hurt someone so kind?Someone who was there to test your faith, perhaps? Or someone who was crying out for attention and help? I was wondering myself, and I totally agree with Beth. Just let the word out. Lots of love and prayer.
You have the most precious heart...and so much compassion for others...the one that hurt you must have seen something in you that was lacking in themselves and envy crept in...
Praying that the Lord will move mightily and touch you and Eddie physically, spiritually, and financially....
Aww, Denise! People can be so cruel. A part of me wants to find this woman and give her a serious talking to, but I know it's not of God. I will be praying for her as you requested. You already know you're constantly in my prayers and I think you are so beautiful!! I love you bunches!!!
God bless you, my sweetest friend!
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