Change Of Plans
Well, we will not be able to go to church in the morning. Lovebug is sick with a bad chest cold, please say prayers for him. I am dissappointed, but I need to take care of my lovebug. God knows our hearts, and I know He understands. Prayfully, we will be going next Sunday morning. For those of you who will be attending church in the morning, be thankful. Raise your hands, and your voices in praise to our Father God. I love you sweet friends.

I will be going to church. I will raise my hands. I will worship and I will say a prayer for you and Eddie.
Thank you for your kind words to me. Thank you for your continued friendship. Mainly, thank you for your prayers. I need them so.
Although going to church offers great support, God is everywhere, so spending time with Him tomorrow at home , taking care of your husband, will be as pleasing to Him, I believe. All the best for a speedy recovery.
(Chamomile tea with honey helps.Inhaling simmering Eucalyptus leaves helps, too. And Vicks vaporub. )
Doggone it!!! I am soooooooo sorry he isn't feeling well !! Will be praying for both of you and you know God is with you no matter where you are, I know you will be praising, worshipping and being with HIM in the morning !!!
As my hands go up I'll be lifting yours up as well... in prayer and praise. Worship at home with your sweet husband and know that we will be praying for you!
Praying he is better soon.
Hugs and blessings !!
I'm so sorry to hear Eddie has a cold. I pray he is feeling better soon. A lot of people are/have been sick lately. Where do you go to church? I'm thankful I can watch a church service on the internet or tv and worship at home if I want! I love you!
Oh, Denise, I am so sorry!!!! I know you were looking forward to this. I hope you have a restful, blessed day Sunday anyway.
So sorry you won't be able to attend church tomorrow morning, I do hope your husband will feel better soon. How is your eye?
I will light a candle and say a special pray for you both tomorrow.
........:-) Hugs
Oh, Dear, I'm so sorry he is sick. I hope your eyes feel better. Praying for you two ~ Love you ~
Praying for your hubby, Denise!
Ohhh Denise...I'm so sorry that your honey is sick with a chest cold now on top of the rest! God is with you!
So I raised my hands & voice tonight and will again to tomorrow as I hold you both in my prayers. I am so thankful but so disappointed that you don't get your lil desire of being in church, but church is right there with you, you know... God willing next Sunday! God will bless you being there taking care of that sweet hubby! Love to you.
I hope your husband feels better soon.
I'll be praying for Eddie this morning. I guess y'all are sharing this cold.
I pray that cold leaves ASAP.
God bless you two!
praying...believing for him to feel better. Stay strong
Oh I am so sorry ya'll can't make to a service. I just got home between our services. I wish I could simulcast. You would be so Blessed to see these young men worshiping. Prayer requests are beginning to be about 'growing closer in relationship with God.' And, today two families were visiting thier sons and they came to our service!
I will pray for you guys tonight at our girls service.
Have a Blessed and Simple Day.
will indeed send up prayer. worship in your heart..and He will hear you!
"I was glad when they said unto me Let us go unto the house of the Lord." So sorry you had to miss sweet sister. Praise god we are saved through Christ alone...praying you and lovebug are feeling better in so many ways.
Take care of your lovebug...sorry you missed church but God is with you where you are! Will be praying for him!
I am sorry you were unable to go to church. We receive such value from the times we can assemble together in the body of Christ and I hate to miss those times too. Hope your guy is feeling better soon. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. I trust you are feeling better too. Blessings in the name of the Lord.
Oh Denise, I am so sorry that you weren't able to go. My hubby has the chest "yuck" and it kept both of us awake ALL night. He has had it now for 2 weeks; make SURE that Lovebug gets the right meds to knock it out swiftly. It is tenacious, and he doesn't need that right now. I will be praying that the germs are driven from his body and that you will be able to worship in fellowship with the body of Christ next week....
I am sorry you had to miss church this morning. I do hope that next Sunday you both will be feeling better and will be able to make it to the house of God. I know you church probably really misses you both.
Just want you to know that I am lifting both of you up.
Love you encouraged by all the love we have for you and the unimaginable love HE has for you. :)
praying for you, dear sister...
I read this on Monday. So sorry you had to miss church. I pray that Eddie recovers quickly from his chest cold & that God continues to supply ALL your needs.
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