Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Hello everyone, and welcome to another Thankful Thursday. I appreciate Lynn for being our hostess with the mostest this month, we love you sweetie. This week I want to give God a great big round of applause for safely bringing my great nephew Zachary Wyatt into the world Sunday night. He, and his mom are both doing well. It is bittersweet, his grandfather, my big brother, went to heaven last June. I know Charles is smiling down from heaven upon his beautiful first grandchild. Also, my uncle was in the hospital with a bad case of shingles, he is now home. Thank You Lord. God is good all the time, and all the time He is good. Physically right now, I am in a battle. I am fighting off several infections throughout my body, out of control thyroid, and diabetes. But, I continue to sing through this storm. I refuse to let satan get one tiny foothold in my life, he cannot, and will not be allowed to steal my joy from me. I know the true maker of peace, and overflowing joy. Right now, it sometimes feels as if I am imprisoned by my sickness, but that is ok. In my trials, I am made stronger. So, I will keep banging on my prison cell doors, and singing at the top of my lungs. Can you hear me my friends? Oh, oh, oh Your love is better. Oh, oh, oh Your love is better, Jesus, Your love, is better than life. Thank You Lord. I can do all things through Him, I can carry on through my sickness. I will battle on!!


Nancie said...

Amen, Denise! I can hear you singing :) Thank God for giving you His joy and strength in your trials. I am praying for you. May you continue to know God's love and blessings in many ways daily. I love you.


Pia said...

denise, you are in my prayers. remember that always. keep praising God because He has won the battle for you already. i believe in my heart that you will see God's glory in the land of the living. and i am thanking God in advance for what he's about to do in your life. you are an inspiration. love you!

God bless. (((HUGS)))

Rocks said...

That's our Denise! Warrior and victorious! We will keep on praying for you :)

Bogie said...

Yes, I can hear your loud thanksgiving to the Lord!

But, I continue to sing through this storm... AMEN to this. Keep the good fight of faith. Praying that God will continue to grant you divine health and protection.

God Bless you!

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

Amen Denise! Thanks for sharing with us!

Tammy said...

God is good Denise. Your posts are always an encouragement. Praying for you...

Rebecca said...

Praise the Lord for your grand-nephews safe delivery and entrance to this life. May he come to know and experience the joy and peace God has given you in ALL circumstances!

Your attitude "preaches" a thousand sermons, dear friend! Do all you can physically to care for your body and let your praises usher you in to the healing stream that flows from the Father.

More Than Words said...

Congrats on your nephew!!

And I'm prayin' for ya Denise!

Mary said...

Amen Denise!! You've already won the battle. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you sweet sister. Blessings.

Cathy said...

That is wonderful about the sweet new baby, Denise. Oh, sweet Denise, we pray for that infection to go, in the mighty name of Jesus, name above all names, and for the thyroid and diabetes to get under control. You are fighting the good fight of faith. He hears your sweet songs of praise and worship. I pray His presence will heal you. The battle is the Lord's, and whom the son sets free is free indeed. Love and Hugs, Cathy

Melissa said...

Your sweet attitude is such a blessing. I went through quite a bit of health issues myself over the last few months. And I can testify to God's goodness despite it all!
May God bless you!

Daveda said...

Denise, Amen! We may have to walk through the trial but we are already victorious because of Jesus! That is something to sing about!

Many Blessings, my friend!

Jules said...

Praising God for your sweet new nephew and as always, praying for you, my dear friend. I love you.



Samantha said...

You are so encouraging and strong dear Denise.
Thank you for being a blessing to me today.
~ Continuing to pray for you, hugs and love to you dear one !

Debbie Petras said...

A brand new baby; how precious! Denise, I'm sorry that your health continues to be an issue. I know you stay so close to the Lord through it all. You are a wonderful example to us. love you,

LisaShaw said...

Congratulation on the birth of your precious nephew. I'm sure your brother is smiling from heaven at his first grand baby. May GOD's peace walk with the family still...

Denise, dear sister, I'm singing and shouting with and for you. Keep on singing, shouting and trusting in GOD! HE IS FAITHFUL! He loves you. I pray for healing, endurance and more grace for you for HIS GRACE is indeed sufficient. I love you very much. Remain in HIS JOY.

Gretchen said...

Hang in there, friend. You are such an encouragement. And you won my Starbucks card. :)

Irene said...

Kisses to you, my dear frined. Have a rest, drink orange juice, echinacea and vitamin C. Also chamomile tea with a little bit of honey.
Congatulations for the new arrival!

Peggy said...

Ohhh Denise...I'm singing and I hear you in the battle front...let's give a shout for JOY! AMEN! Stomp him out as Jesus is lifted higher, & higher & higher!!! Keeping you in my prayers, now that I know...and praise God for that sweet blessing of your new great nephew!!! How wonderful that his grandpa Charles can smile down on him with complete JOY & watch over him! Many blessings on you & Zachary & Lovebug (hope he is taking good care as always!) with love & hugs...keep up the good fight, my inspirational friend & prayer warrior!!! Love you sis!

Angie said...

I think you have the absolute right attitude, a thankful heart! I give thanks to God with you for your nephew, for your ability to sing in the midst of a fiery trial, and for the victory that will be yours as you continue to claim those things that aren't as though they are! I am thankful that you shared this today. God bless

It Feels Like Chaos said...

You are a warrior and such an example to battle through, praising God! I am saying prayers for you!

Grammy said...

Hi Denise, my prayers are still with you. may you be free of suffering. Congrats on the new baby too. Big hug.

Debbie said...

Praise God for the new baby!! I LOVE that name!! I'm sure your brother is dancing his celebration in Heaven right now. I hear your happy, thankful heart and rejoice for you. I will lift your physical needs to the Lord. What an inspiration and wonderful spirit you have. Blessings to you, Debbie

LivingforGod said...

I love your thankful heart and your right attitude (according to Scripture). You're in my prayers. Keep resting in God's love, grace, and mercy! Hugs.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Denise said...

Praying for you..........

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

I am praying for you my friend. I want you to know that I am thankful for you.
God bless.

Tea with Tiffany said...

Singing love over you. You are His bride. Beautiful..

Can't wait to meet you face to face.

Love you

Tana said...

Oh Denise It is my honor to pray for your healing!

becky aka theRAV said...

Denise, I thought I commented her yesterday. I know I said you are amazing! Awesome. You never give up. You go girl! Thanks for your comments on my blog.

Anne Lang Bundy said...

I love you. Thank you for your testimony. I'm thankful to God for YOU!