Friday, October 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday- On Friday

Hello dear friends, sorry I missed thankful Thursday yesterday. I enjoy it so much, I decided to do mine today. I missed yesterday due to sickness. I was actually in bed all day yesterday, got up for a short time after my lovebug came in from work, then had to go back to bed. My thyroid has taken such a toll on my body recently. I have several nodules, and a multi nodular goiter on my thyroid. Physically, this is really draining me. It has caused several infections recently, severe fatigue, nausea, a severe vitamin D insufficiency, and a slow heart rate, which is very scary, it feels like my heart is just going to stop at any moment. They think I could possibly have thyroid cancer, and are planning to do a needle biopsy on me. But, God is still on the throne, and He still loves me, and cares for me. I am His, so nothing else matters. These physical problems within my body, are just part of life. We all have our burdens to bear. I refuse to moan, or groan. I will do whatever is asked of me by my Father, that is the least I can do. He has done so very much for me, and I could never thank Him enough. But, I will try, by being patient, and not worrying, or complaining during my trials. I will praise Him in these storms, for He is my anchor, and the anchor always holds. Praise God.


Donetta said...

Good Morning
I have been thinking about you all night. I got up at 3 in the morning and checked on you. I am still here and see my concerns were validated. Oh Denise such trial and so much courage to be grabbed hold of. You have the best anchor and the hold fast secure to be sure. I will miss seeing you so much. so many of us are gong to miss being with you. Steve and I are praying for you as are many others I am sure.
The sun is rising here soon and in it I have held for Amy through the night and for my sister as well. So many suffering and so many calls in the night of thoughts for those who are in need of prayer. I am so withdrawn the blog due to the family of origin stuff. Just really feel like a need fro more privacy from them. Sad but true to be wise with those who are not of our choice to affiliate with. I think their towers are crumbling. So many are.
I am so sorry to hear of your suffering but glad to hear of you. It is good not to be left to wonder of you.
Denise I love you ...kiss on the forehead

Debbie Petras said...

Oh Denise I'm sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you. I know you've had many health related issues and it can be very trying. But in the midst of your challenges, you always glorify Him and I love that about you. I know there are moments as we still live in our flesh this side of eternity. But know that you have sisters in Christ who love you and pray for you.

Love you,

Jules said...

We love you, Denise and we are praying for you, always. I know I have been absent lately, just going through some difficulties of my own and not really sure how to write anymore. Sometimes, I just get so tired of it all and then I have you to look to and you inspire me to keep going and keep praising our Savior!!! You are such a wonderful person and friend!!

If you need anything specific that I can pray for, please let me know.

~Love always,

luvmy4sons said...

So, so sorry sweet sister about all of your health concerns and physical suffering. As always encouraged by your outlook and ability to keep your eyes on Jesus!

Leaon Mary said...

I'm sorry you've been under the weather Denise. Hope you're feeling better today!
A friend of mine has had thyroid needle biopsies before. Let us know when you're having it okay, and we'll be praying for you.
BEAR hug!!!

In Light of the Truth... said...

Oh Denise, you have such a beautiful heart!! Thank you for sharing! I know someone who just got diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She got the whole thing removed, and seems to be doing really well! I'll be praying for you!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I will keep you in my prayers.

Tana said...

Denise, I am so honored to pray for your healing!

RCUBEs said...

I'm thinking about you and keeping you in prayers sister Denise. I hope that you are feeling better by now...God bless you.

Pilar said...

What an excellent and encouraging attitude you have, it sure helps when we have things into prospective.
I pray for God´s healing touch upon you. I know God is the great doctor and He can do wonderful things.
May God continue to be glorified through you.

Have a wonderful weekend and a muc needed healing break

Anne Lang Bundy said...

Denise, I think of you so often! I'm praying in this moment for you, it's more of a feeling than words, but I'm asking the Lord to breathe His life and strength into you with every deep breath I'm taking.

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

Denise, I am praying for you. I, too, suffer from thyroid dysfunction, and my mother had her thyroid removed because of cancer. If you ever need to talk please don't hesitate to drop me a line. Please keep us updated on how we can pray for you!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh Denise I am sorry you were feeling bad yesterday. I hop you are better today. I will keep praying for you. You are such a sweet inspiration and encouragement to so many. God is using you. Your posts always lift me up.
Take care sweetie and thanks for reminding us all to Praise Him in the Storm.
May your storm turn into peaceful rain.

becky aka theRAV said...

I missed you yesterday. I was wondering if you were ok. Then I saw your commment on my blog and was so glad to see your name there. Sorry you were so ill. I hope & pray you will be better soon; that the drs can meet all your physical needs soon. You are a real trouper. Yet you keep on going and praising the Lord. Bless you.

Debra Kaye said...

I am praying for you my friend...known to me as Denise, Warrior for Jesus. I love you.

Marsha said...

Oh sweet friend, I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time! You are loved by so many of us, including me. I continue to pray for you. I'm gonna really miss my traveling buddy next week :(

Love you.

Heather said...

I'm so sorry Denise. I will pray for you. I went through a similar situation with my thyroid a couple years ago. I had to have a needle biopsy because of the large nodule I have on my thyroid. They too thought it was cancer but everything worked out, praise the Lord! I will pray that all will work out for you too. I still have that dang nodule. It's big too, but my synthroid so far has kept it from growing any larger.

April said...

Praying for you, Denise...hope you begin to feel stronger everyday!

GINA @ Chats With An Old Lady said...

having had my share of physical issues ( one of them also being a severe vitamin D deficiency) I know what a battle it is to stay focused on Jesus. I pray that god will lead you to the right source for help, and that you will be given an extra amount of grace to endure what you have been given. Hang in there and keep clinging!

thank you for stopping by my place today, and for leaving a comment!
Grace to you!
Gina @ chats with an old lady!

Alleluiabelle said...

Sweet, Sweet Precious Sister,

I love you so much. You are always such such an encourager and inspiration to me in so many, many ways during our trials. My entire being will be praying steadfastly to His Throne Room of Grace for He Is The Ultimate Physician and yes, yes, yes He is our anchor, and the anchor always holds. I am praising Him right along with you through these storms in life. He is always as close as a gentle heartbeat.

Through all of the sickness that you are enduring, He is always there holding your mind, heart and soul, your entire being in the palms of His hands. Oh what a mighty, mighty God we have.

My prayers will be praying for miracles, total body healing from the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Again, I love you very much dear one. You are a tresured gem in my eyes.

Love, prayers and {{{Big, Big Hugs}}},

Bonnie said...

You truly are a warrior of Jesus and it is your heart that I absolutely love. I will be praying for you as you go through this. You heart and your spirit shine through and I am so grateful that God reminds you so often of just how much you are loved. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Be blessed and may the God of all peace and comfort remind you repeatedly He is by your side!!!

Karen said...

Praying now....

Cathy said...

Oh, dear, sweet Denise, I pray for God's healing touch on your body. I pray the heartbeat will be raised and normal. I know how scary that is, since I have to take medicine to regulate mine. I'm also praying there will be no cancer, in the name of Jesus. Love and Hugs to you, dear ~

More Than Words said... are such an encouragement!!

I'll be praying for you!!

Angie said...


I pray that you will get your strength back, your thyroid will line up with the Word of God and be made whole, that your heart rate will be normal in the name of Jesus, and that you will continue to be strengthened in your spirit. Also, that you will get a good report from the biopsy! Keep fighting the good fight of faith, and we'll stand with you! God bless

Laureen said...

I have thyroid cancer but I'm ok.You'll be fine too God is definitely on the throne.I'll be continually be praying for you DEnise.

Bernadine said...

So sorry you aren't feeling well.
Lifting you up in prayer.

Rebecca said...

I was catching up (following our vacation) and only this minute read of your health condition. Oh, friend. Hold on to Jesus as you are doing. I wish I could put my hand over yours when you are weak. But I will put my heart over yours and lift you even in these minutes into the wonderful, strong, safe arms of the Savior.

Tea with Tiffany said...

Goodness sweet one, I sure hope you are feeling better this week. My heart hurts when you hurt.

I love you!

LisaShaw said...

Oh Denise!! My heart is so with you precious one. I pray for GOD's touch upon your entire body from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet and may HEALING be manifested in all areas in JESUS Mighty Name.

I love you and I'm praying for you.

Unknown said...

Oh Denise,

I am just heartbroken. I agree with every word Donetta wrote. I just now am realizing I wont see you on Thursday. I am heartbroken but I am filled with love and pressed to pray for your condition.

You can bet we will be praying for you over the weekend.

B, you will be greatly, greatly missed. I miss you already.

Holding you before the throne. I love you. Lynn

Gretchen said...

God bless you, Denise. Said a prayer right now. Hang touch my friend. xxxooo