Saturday Psalm And Praise- Psalm 34:1-3
1) I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2) My soul shall make its boast in the Lord, the humble shall hear of it and be glad. 3) Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. : Is God's praise continually in your mouth? Or only occasionally? Do you brag about your Father to everyone you see? If not,make a change today my friend. Start lifting Him up, give Him the praise He desires, and very much deserves. Let His praise flow freely from your mouth like streams of living waters, there are so many thirsty souls longing for a drop of the precious living water. I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, Oh Lord, I exalt Thee.
That's convicting, Denise. How many times do bitter, negative things come out of my mouth? I need to do better... thank you for the reminder! Singing praise to the Lord, even without a tune, is ALWAYS better...
Beautiful Psalm and Praise Denise! Thanks for visiting my blog too! ♥x♥x
So true. There have been many times that I have failed to give God glory!!
And I'm praising His wonderful Name today as I just got home from work. Tired but feeling OK! I just want to thank you for your powerful prayers and thanks be to the One Who hears them. God bless sister and love to you.
BLESSING DENISE, and bless the LORD & all that is within me bless His Holy name!
Thank you for sharing these verses from Psalm 34 & this meme that's new to me!I like it!
Your self evaluation questions seem to awaken us to doing what we say!
Let us exalt the LORD together!
Sending sweet love & a big hug!
I exalt HIm with you. Have a great day!
When He is the very center of all we are and we begin to realize His great love for us, how can we help but to praise Him! He is wonderful in every way! Thanks so much for the reminder to praise Him, praise Him, Praise Him! God Bless!
Beautiful Psalm and praise, my sweet sister.
Love you!
I'm just catching up on some of my blogs and I noticed your update on Cindy. I'm so sorry to hear about that. Thanks for letting us know and for asking us to pray for her.
There was a lot of praising and dancing at Women of Faith in Indianapolis over the weekend. Though I've never met/seen you in person, I imagined that every woman was YOU! Your daily encouragement and example of praising & dancing were "acted out" in front of my eyes all day Friday and Saturday! Keep dancing till you/we "dance" together IN PERSON in the presence of our Jesus!
Beautiful Denise, Praising God with you !
I love you, sweet friend. Thank you for this & for your always encouraging ways....
Yah!Our Lord deserves all the praises,glory and honor.God bless!
Amen Denise! Glad you joined us this week!
I struggle with that "Continually" part there. Yehovah God is faithful, and he reminds me, though. :)
Thanks for the encouraging words!
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