Praise the Lord, you angels of His;
praise His glory and His strength.
Praise Him for His majestic glory,
the glory of His name.
Come before Him clothed in sacred garments.
The voice of the Lord echoes from the clouds.
The God of glory thunders through the skies.
So powerful is His voice; so full of majesty.
Psalm 29:1-4
I find three major themes in today's passage:
- Praising God is fun.
- God clothes us with His glory.
- God speaks through the thunder.
First, let's talk about praise. Psalm 134:2 says, "Lift your hands in holiness and bless the Lord." Twelve years ago when I attended a retreat called "The Walk to Emmaus" twelve years ago, I was astonished when people began raising their hands in praise to God. I was a little hesitant at first, but as the weekend progressed my hands went higher and higher. Now, even people in the church I attend raise their hands in praise to God. David said in Psalm 28:2, "Lord, I lift my hands to heaven and implore your help. Oh, listen to my cry." When we make a conscious choice to praise Him or seek His help and raise our hands in total abandonment to Him, He fills us with joy!
Now, let's talk about garments. Isaiah 61:10 says it best, "Let me tell you how happy God has made me! For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and draped about me the robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels." God clothes us with His salvation and adorns us with the robe of righteousness, not because we are good, but because He loves us. However, He allows us the choice, will we wear these marvelous garments, or will we continue to put on sack cloth and ashes or a garment of heaviness?
Okay, now the thunder part. Psalm 81:7 says, "When you were in trouble, you called, and I saved you. I answered you with thunder." Max Lucado says God speaks to us with a voice of "Gentle Thunder." Many times during praise and worship I long to hear God's voice echo through the room; to feel the thunder of His majesty. Instead, I hear a silent voice assuring me of His love for His pleasure in me. Yet, one day, He will again speak with that voice of thunder as all men are drawn into His presence at the judgment.
So, as we lift our hands in praise, put on garments of righteousness, and listen for the gentle thunder of His voice, we can experience His hope. There is hope in the gentle hands of God.
Thank you for this powerful lesson today!
what a wonderful lesson today!
I love how you walked through this passage, friend.
Beautiful Denise! Such a powerful lesson of praise!!! Such beautiful HOPE...lifting my arms in praise so HE can fill up my cup UP, clothe me in His righteousness & I think I heard Him in the thunder this past week's storms...I prefer that whisper of a still, small voice of love! Bless you & your walk this day!
Great post, Denise, and I really liked the part about how God clothes us.
I used to have a thing about raising my hands -- not wanting to stand out or look foolish, I guess (which was seriously foolish!) -- but now I raise them. In fact, when I go on my walks and I have my hands raised to God thanking Him for the many blessings He has given me, I almost hope somebody will ask me why I have my arms up so I can tell them!
Love you, Denise.
That was so lovely, Denise. And like you, I didn't grow up lifting my hands; now I can't imagine worshipping and keeping still. I love looking around the congregation, seeing people with heads thrown back and arms lifted wide... totally abandoning themselves to the Holy Spirit and the One who gives it. It's truly joyous....
Anointed, worshipful post, my friend.
Absolutely wonderful post. Awesome. (And I appreciate the easy to read font!)
Hi Denise,
As always such joy when I read one of your post, I certainly have missed reading your devotionals. Your three power points are awesome and so true.
In reading one can tell that you have such a heart for God!!
It is so nice to be back here and be refreshed with your words of wisdom, Denise. :)
Praising God is fun. You got that right! Very cool thought ...
Oops! I hit "PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT" too soon. ... We are very active in the Cursillo movement -- similar to Walk to Emmaus -- up in northwest Iowa. What a blessing... Do you ever work palanca?
De Colores.
beautifully written. you were in my thoughts last night. prayed for you before i went to bed. may God embrace you with His comfort and healing touch. (((HUGS)))
I am really being encouraged by the theme you have had recently on Hope. Thank you for the Blessing and may you be Blessed greatly by His gentle thunder.
I love how you shared your thoughts! What a wonderful outfit we are given;)-blesses be the Lord! Blessings! Amanda:)
Just beautiful, Denise, thank you ~
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