Monday, June 29, 2009

Thankful To Be Able To Worship My God

Hello my friends, praying you are all doing well. I hope you enjoyed your weekend, and that yesterday was spent praising Him with other brothers and sisters. I love praising Him with my brothers and sisters, our hearts united in one accord. We are so blessed to live in a country where we are free to worship as we please. Never take that freedom for granted, thank God for it continually. So many of our brothers and sisters live in opressed countries, praying could get you killed, reading the Bible could get you killed or thrown in prison. Be thankful my friends, be thankful. Praise Him from whom all our blessings flow.


Great-Granny Grandma said...

How true. We really do take a lot for granted.

Jennifer said...

So often we do take our freedom for granted but with the way that our country is going at present...I don't take it for granted anymore.

Thank you for reminding me to be thankful daily for our freedom.

Love you!

Debra Kaye said...

Sweet sister, I had a really tough day yesterday feeling sorry for myself since I wasn't well enough to go to church with my family...but I was able to open my Bible in freedom and worship Him openly right in my home. May we always have this freedom.

Love ya bunches. Thank you for being such a loyal friend and prayer warrior for me during my illness.

Samantha said...

So very true, we are so very blessed. Thank you for this sweet reminder. Blessings to you my dear friend.

Daisy said...

Just passin by to thank you for the visit at my blog and for the warm thoughts...

I believe we are all blessed everyday as we wake up and face a new day 8)


na said...

So true and relevant going into the holiday weekend! Thanks so much!

Grace said...

Praise God that we are living in a "Free Country". Let us pray that it will stay this way forever.

Alleluiabelle said...

Dear, Dear Friend,

I've learned never to take anything in life for granted. This is a great reminder of that.

We thank you Almighty Father for the wonderful freedom that we have in our country to read your Word and worship you openly. All praise, honor and glory are yours Almighty Father forever and ever more. Amen!

Love you,

Martha said...

Amen, we are BLESSED! I agree with Jennifer, I wonder how much longer will Christians remain "free" to exercise their right to worship the Almighty Lord... hmm... we might be outcasts, even criminals one of these days.

P.S. I clicked on your icon about reviewing books and I joined, thank you for leading me there!

Jennsmere said...

Amen!! We must remember to count each of the blessings this country affords us...even in these challenging times!

Bless you, sweet Denise!

Pia said...

denise... (((HUGS))) you are always in my prayers. God bless your good heart.

luvmy4sons said...

Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him above ye heavenly Hosts! Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost! Amen. You got me a singing! Yes. I am so grateful for our country and pray we are not losing sight of how we started and why we are so great...May our hearts be ever toward our God so that His blessings continue to be bestowed upon our nation.

devita said...

It is really great sister! My country here sometimes have problem with praising the Lord. They even once try to close the church. We need prayer everyday to be patient and safe. May God bless us.