I am truly thankful that Jesus does not judge me by my outward appearance as man does, but by my heart. People can be so cruel, and very judgemental. There have been so many times that I have been made fun of due to my weight, and my lack of hair. But, that is ok, Jesus loves me just as I am. I was created in His image, and that makes me beautiful in His eyes. Jesus is the true definition of pure beauty. His beauty shines throughout this world, just look around, He is everywhere. I love to soak up His beauty daily, it fills me with joy. He is in the flowers, the trees, the lakes, the rivers, the streams, the oceans, the waterfalls, the mountains, the woods, a new born baby, a couple getting married. He is here, His beauty surrounds us. I see His beauty in my own life, more and more. I feel like I am becoming a female David, all I want to do is dance before Him, and sing praises to Him. I love Him so very much, and this love we share is such a beautiful thing. I thank Him for pouring His beauty all over my life. Open your heart, and eyes, and allow Him to pour His beautiful self all over you. Soak in His beauty, and let out all the ugly of the world that you have allowed to seep in. Be blessed my beautiful friends, you are loved.
, yo are in my prayers. love you!
So very, very true, Denise. I can see ("read") God becoming greater and greater in your body, soul, and spirit. Thanks for your note on my post, too - that Satan is a joy stealer. You're right! And I put the hershey bars behind me - I will not let him get double duty with 'em!
And He loves that you are dancing before Him!
Amen to this post! Reading your posts make me happy!
I wouldn't take the cruel words of others to heart...as you say, what's inside of you and knowing your God loves you is what really counts in this world!!!
I'm so glad my precious Lord looks at my heart. I'm so amazed that because of His blood, He sees it as pure. I too am thankful that He sees me as beautiful.
Your beauty shines, Denise!
I loved that line,,a female David...amen sis.
Sweet friend, you most definitely truly beautiful inside AND out! Love you bunches. Pray for me...I'm traveling back home to NC today. I just stopped for breakfast and decided to visit blogs over breakfast. How do you spell addiction? LOL!
You ARE beautiful and your faith keeps growing by leaps and bounds!
Oh how I want to be like a "female David" - to worship my Creator with my whole heart. Thanks for sharing your grateful heart with us today Denise! -Laurie
people can be so cruel, btdt...and am recovering from that too. HUGS
Amen, true beauty is from the Lord....
I also love - a female David - one after His own heart! Beautiful post.
great post Denise!
You remind me of that song...You are beautiful my sweet sweet song...and I can see you dancing before Him....so lovely.
Love you so much.
Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Crafted uniquely by the one who loved you enough to say yes to the cross.
Be blessed, thanks for stopping by, and thank you for reminding us... we are so loved!
Beautiful pic and verse Denise. Cont. to trust and know He is with you.
You're so right. Only God knows the real you. Outward beauty is fleeting and so many are made cruel and arrogant about it. God made you, he knit you together before you were born. He knows each intricate part of your being and who you are. I am often in awe at the beauty of his creation and wonder how any could doubt that he is the one responsible.
You have a very thankful heart and are a blessing to me daily.
And now I ask God to bless you,
Love, Mama Bear
Amen! He is our "all-in-all"!...
Great post! Thank you for stopping by my blog.
You are beautiful!!!
Your beauty outshines this world. Your kind heart and compassion alway touch me.
Girl, the King is enthralled with your beauty. So am I.
Happy TT. Hugs.
Amen, Denise. Too many people look at the outside, when it's the inside that's all that matters.
Thank you for sharing this post. People can be so cruel. :( Praise God that you don't let it get you down.
You are so right Denise and you have such a beautiful true honest heart. You have been such a blessing to me, always praying for me and I know that your prayers have reached Heaven. The devil, I know loves to make me feel bad and inadequate and I get mad when I let him. I know Jesus loves me and that He knows my desire to serve Him. There is so much spiritual warfare in this world too, makes me long for Heaven.
Hi Denise,
Oh! to be a female David!!! You are one of the most beautiful people that i have ever met. Thank you for sharing these wonderful heartfelt thoughts.
Such a lovely post, you always bless my heart with your joy !
Yes, people in this world are ignorant and cruel, only looking at someone's outside and judging them on that alone ... and those people are the truly ugly people in this world ... where as you, you are truly beautiful ... in God's eyes and in people's eyes who know what really matters ... I wish the world had more people like YOU ! God Bless, Sincerely with Love, Brian
Love your heart. I see beauty. I continue to see Jesus in you. Sing and dance, sister!
If God judged outward appearances I'd be in trouble. You're a blessing to me...hope your day went well.
Just now getting around to visit. You have such beautiful thoughts, Denise, and that's more important than outside beauty.
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