Success in marriage isn't finding the right person,it's being the right person.: I agree with this statement. I very much want to be a help to my husband, not a hindrance. I want to lift him up, not tear him down. I want to help relieve his stress, not be the reason for his stress. I want our marriage to be about us, not ME. I want to be his cheerleader, always cheering him on. When he walks through the door, after a long day at work, I make sure the first thing he sees, is my huge smile. I want him to know how much I missed him, and how glad I am to see him. I also greet him with great big hugs and kisses. I ask him how his day was, because I want him to know I am interested in his day. I let him rest, and relax. I do not nag him, or bother him with silly little things, he deserves some peace after working all day in a hot, dirty factory. I do everything I can to show love, compassion, gratitude, care, appreciation, and kindness to my husband. I want to be the right person for him, all the days of my life, because, praise God, he is definitely the right person for me.
Oh this is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it. Amazingly it is similar to the subject content that God has placed on my heart to write about today.
I am going to read your M4M post then go write mine. Come see me later and pray for me and my post. It isn't personal and may end up be controversial.
Have a Blessed Week. You are an inspiration.
Wonderful post sweetie!
I learn a lot from this post of yours my friend. I am with you..I want to be the cheerleader of my hubby and show to him how much I love him.
Hyzyd's Diary/
Her and History
You are such an encouragement! God bless you!
You are such a giver, Denise...we can all learn from your example!
Great works to ponder on to keep a marriage strong. Everything you said reflected a married life being lived with Christ in the center. God bless sister. Your words are always encouraging.
Marriage is work..when you have a good guy you don't mind working at it. I know Tito likes a clean house when he comes home from work and on some days that is just not possible. My Grandma always said marriage is 50/50, then I heard someone say 100/100...both have to work at it that is for sure. Great post and Lovebug is so lucky to have you.
"Success in marriage isn't finding the right person,it's being the right person.: I agree with this statement." AMEN! So many marriages fail because they are only looking at what they want and what they need instead of agape love and turning it outward to be what the OTHER person needs. We reap what we sow. You, as usual, are sowing some great things sweet sister in your marriage! Bless you!
This is so sweet. I like the idea of being a cheerleader for your husband.
That was a lovely post, I too want to be my hubby's cheerleader. I some times fall short on showing him more how much I love him & appreciate every thing he does for our family. So again thank you for inspiring me to be better!!!!
Have a Blessed Week!!!!
Such a lovely post, blessings to you sweet friend !
So true Denise, this reads like 1 Cor. 13 in a personal way. What a treasure you have in each other!
How beautiful!! I met my husband when I was 18 and we've been together for 4.5 years... it has been a LONG journey filled with ups and downs that's for sure. Sometimes I even wondered, "Did I marry the wrong person?!?"
Then I realized that marriage is forever and I CAN be the right wife for him. It's still a daily struggle but we've grown so much, I thank the Lord for giving us strength to continue. This post struck a chord with me, thank you for the inspiration. Your husband is blessed to have you!!
hello! ill be adding you to my site's blog roll :D
and yes, i agree with your insights as well.. :D
You are a GODLY wife Denise! I'm sure your lovebug so appreciates you!
i have an award for you at http://chrisamador.blogspot.com/2009/06/thankful-for-these-awards.html
You are a good wife, Denise. I married my husband for almost a year now, and I am praying everyday to be a good wife to him.
I love your post today.
i agree. this is somewhat similar to what i posted about being "his wife" God will not change our husbands without first changing us. so that we will be the "right person".
God bless you, denise. (((HUGS)))
You are so sweet. Sorry I have not been able to keep up with your blog. Big hug.
I've got a feeling that if I were to ask you husband, he'd tell me in a heart beat that you are the right person. :)
I think I need to print this out and read every morning-midday and afternoon!..I get so frustrated sometines, with chores not being done, and problems at work, that I'm a little too fast in letting my frustration explode...
When ever we go to a wedding we write this on the inside of the card.
Our advice to you as you start this new life together is this. When the disagreements come before you approach each other say 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Where ever the words “love” or “it” put in your own name. If you find you are not what you are saying fix yourself before approaching your mate.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Thank you for this. God's timing has me reading it on our anniversary, and I can't thing of a more apt time for reminding.
thanks for the greetings!
Here's the update:Birthday Celebration/
Hyzyd's Diary/
Her and History
What a completely beautiful post, I strive to be like that, what a great reminder.
Denise, my precious sister....how I have missed you and your ever uplifting posts! Thank you for your prayers for me and my family as we have gone through another loss. My Aunt remains in ICU and one moment we have a shred of hope and the next moment it is uncertain if she will make it through the day.
I have been on the road a lot back and forth to my hometown and I have become somewhat weary but I am trying to take some time and spend it with the Lord being still and coming to see my dear sisters. Again, I thank you for being who you are. I love you.
You are such an inspiration to me, my sweet friend!! GREAT reminder for all of us wives today!! :)
Thanks for these great inspiring words.....sometimes I get so busy I forget to show my husband how much he means to me and how much he (and his hard work) is appreciated.
thank you!
He is a blessed man to have such a devoted wife. :) Your love and devotion speaks vividly. Great post!
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