Is there a deep hurt in your life/heart that you have not let God heal yet? If yes, are you ready to let God begin the work of healing your heart? (Feel free to post the specifics if you would like, and remember you can always post anonymously)For those of you that answered no to the question above, has there been a hurt from your past that God has healed? If so, was the healing instant, or a process? (Again, please give specifics if you feel so led, and again you can post anonymously): There have been several hurts from my past that God has healed, and I gladly give Him praise for His sweet healing upon my life. None of the healing was instant, it was all a process. But, I am glad about that, because going through the process of healing, I learned so much, and grew stronger in the Lord. He healed me from cutting, depression, the shame I felt from being sexually abused by my stepfather, feeling unloved, and unwanted due to the fact I was an attempted abortion. He took all the broken pieces from my shattered life, and made me whole again. I love You Lord, and I will forever be thankful for the precious gift of healing You blessed me with.
Denise, That is a wonderful testimony of healing the Lord has done for you. Praise God for that, you are a tremendous witness and prayer warrior and friend and I love those things about you.
Thank you for your honesty and transparency. May the hurt and healing you've experienced continue to be used for His glory and you share your life with others.
Bless you sister!
Such a beautiful testimony of our great God !
You are precious, I have an award for you on my blog.
Blessings dear friend.
It feels so great if we let the Lord lead us in this area of being able to forgive and release the "hurt". His promise was true: "My yoke is light"...God bless sister...
Praise God for what He has done!
Amen yes indeed my God is so able, he is the greatest of great, the one who can and will love you like no one else, I love the lord.
Hi Denise,
As always I am so touched by your words, I thank God for his healing power. There is an old song that goes like this" What He did for others He will do for you."And He did!! I am so glad that He takes all the hurts in our life and makes us new again.Blessings to you my sweet friend.
God has truly done a work in your life... It is evident!!! Kim
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