On a scale of 1-10, with a 10 representing the strongest, rate your current prayer life. Why did you rate yourself as you did?
If you are struggling with your prayer life, make a list of possible stumbling blocks to a more intimate prayer life with Jesus.
Make a list of how we can grow closer to Jesus in our prayer life as well. : I would have to rate my prayer life as being almost a six. I rate myself that because, I need more prayer time. What do I think are some stumbling blocks in my prayer life, as well as in others lifes? Too much computer time, not having our priorities straight, the fast paced world we are living in. We can grow closer to Jesus in our prayer life, by giving Him more of our time. We need to make Him our top priority. Jesus first, the world last. We need to truly learn to pray without ceasing. We need to pray with our family, our spouses, our friends, our church family, and have alone time in our prayer closet. Prayer is our hotline to Jesus, and we should be calling that hotline constantly.
If you are struggling with your prayer life, make a list of possible stumbling blocks to a more intimate prayer life with Jesus.
Make a list of how we can grow closer to Jesus in our prayer life as well. : I would have to rate my prayer life as being almost a six. I rate myself that because, I need more prayer time. What do I think are some stumbling blocks in my prayer life, as well as in others lifes? Too much computer time, not having our priorities straight, the fast paced world we are living in. We can grow closer to Jesus in our prayer life, by giving Him more of our time. We need to make Him our top priority. Jesus first, the world last. We need to truly learn to pray without ceasing. We need to pray with our family, our spouses, our friends, our church family, and have alone time in our prayer closet. Prayer is our hotline to Jesus, and we should be calling that hotline constantly.
My prayer life goes up and down. for the past several days I have been praying close to "without ceasing" because of a current situation that requries much prayer and is so heavy on my heart. But normally I would rate my prayer life as a six as well...with boosts of 9 here and there and occasioanl 4's. I don't think we grasp how good it can be and won't till we get to heaven and see HIm face to face.
I must admit I am about a 4 or 5 these last few weeks. I fell out of the routine of daily prayer and bible reading. You have inspired me to get back to dong it every morning and evening again.
Awesome truths shared sis....
I would rate my prayer life as a 6 or a 7, if you're talking about "formal" prayer. However, I talk to God constantly about everything that's on my mind, so that would increase my rating (right?). Hope you have an amazing weekend, Denise!
Thank you for your transparency here....I know we can all use more prayer time and we let too many obstacles get in the way!
Blessings to you sweet sister!
What an awesome post Denise! I would rate my prayer life at a 5. Pretty sad I know. I agree with the reasons. I get side tracked way too easy. I have planned for over a couple of months now to go to be earlier, get up early like I do now and pray before doing anything, then read the Bible. But, here I sit on the computer. I need to get my priorities straight. I take this as God giving me that nudge. Thank you Denise for the blessings today! May the Lord lead you to the prayer life you desire!
Well said, Denise! Making Jesus top priority is what it's all about. Thank you so much--have a blessed day.
I love that prayer is our hotline to Jesus! It is so true! I can not live without praying---
talking to my Father each day!
Bless U my friend,
Amen! What a great post. It's so true...too many distractions get in the way!
Thank you sister for reminding how important it is to look up to the Lord first and give Him time.
You asking us to rate our prayer habits from 0-10 is truly an eye opener because I myself, probably would be around 5-6. Thank you for this post and it just encouraged me to "up" my prayer habits which is so vital to our spiritual walk with the Lord. God bless you and have a great weekend. Love to you, Rosel
Ooooh, how your words convict me! Thanks. I can NEVER pray too much, and I'll never be a "10" this side of heaven. *sigh*
I love your answers this week, and I totally agree :) Blessings sweet Denise...
Thanks for sharing. I read some good ideas on prayer in a book I'm reading right now. And then I read your post about prayer too. God bless you.
oh this was a great post. Very thought provoking! Thanks for sharing it and getting me to thinking.
I can totally understand what you mean -- so many distractions. I just got home from the mountains, but I need to participate in this chat.
Bless you Denise!
How truly important prayer is and
we do need to pray without ceasing, such a beautiful post.
Hugs and blessings to you sweet Denise !
Hey Denise!! I am over at Karen's house and have a new post! I think I get to get a new computer in May!! I hope!! I miss you!! Love and hugs Grams
Oh Denise...you are being so modest! I think you are at least a 9...just because I know what it takes to me a 10 and you don't need to live in a monastery! I'm sure there may be days that you feel it drops but I have not seen it. You are one of the most faithful PRAYER WARRIOR & INTERCESSOR over at the LIGHTHOUSE of PRAYER!
And everyone that is below your 6, should be visiting the LIGHTHOUSE & joining us on a more regular basis!
Bless you Denise as you strive to draw closer in your prayer time! I'm with ya' sis...you know I'm standing with you in prayer! Thanks for posting about ANDREA at the LIGHTHOUSE! I'm going to add it here (but you probably already have a post on it)!
This is an URGENT situation in need of all of your help! Please stop by Andrea's site (Arise 2 Write) http://www.arise2write.blogspot.com/ where you can read about a situation that truly hurts my heart. This family needs our prayers, especially this dear boy. Please pray everyone.
Hey friend,
I would have to say that my prayer life is about a 6 or 7. I am constantly praying all day and about sooooooooo many things in life these days. I am mastering not making a move without first consulting the Lord on it.
Great post! Thanks!
Hi Denise,
Wow! I have just had my toes stepped on, wonderful post!!Thank you for sharing, and thank you for stopping by.
Though I pray every night and day, I admit, some of them are empty. Too much mindful of things to do made me stay out of tune with the Holy Spirit. That is why I need to have a whole day prayer and fasting once a month.
Oh, I rate myself 5-6
Have a happy weekend! :)
I say Amen as well. I believe time constraints are a big stumbling block for everyone. Carving in time for the Lord is a must and a main focus before all things, no matter what.
Hugs & blessings,
I have just found you and am so glad. I would rate my prayer life a 5-6 . I used to get lost in praying and time had no meaning to me.I have been feeling the urge from the Holy Spirit to get back there with him. Your post has giving me the nudge I need to comply .I am a teacher of a singles womens class and I have become a widow a year and half ago after 47 1/2 years of good marriage.
God bless,
Elsie <><.
I use the Christian symbol after my name because it lets me show I believe in Jesus just as the Christians did in Jesus time ,Leaving the sign in the sand so a person could know there was a Christian close by.
Great reminder we need to evaluate what our stumbling blocks are instead of gummbling.
Denise, thank you for this challenge. I rated myself 6 too and one of the reasons is sometimes when I pray I find my mind wondering, worrying about things. I also need to make more time than I am already. Again thank you for making me ponder this and seek to spend more time with Jesus.
I don't ever think this side of heaven, that my answer will be a 10. I allow myself to be distracted by too many things. But, it's sure something to strive for, isn't it?
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