I am blessed beyond belief to be part of Gods epic story. He is the greatest author ever, and He chose to create me, and include me in His book. Then, I was invited personally by Him, to have my name included in the Lambs book of life. Now, I have a reservation to walk on the streets of gold, my name has been written down. Praise God, glory to His name. At the beginning of my conception, pills were taken to get rid of me, bleeding began, along with cramps. My momma thought she had passed me down the toilet, until 6 months later, I started kicking. God did not mean for my life to be flushed down into the sewer, He had plans, and a purpose for my life. Now, that is one epic story, and I am very grateful to be part of it. My life has had many ups and downs, twists and turns, but one thing has always remained, God, and His love for me. Thank You dear God for giving me a place in Your epic story of life. I love You.
I am floored by your story; oh, how glad I am that God's plans for you were so much bigger than your mom's. How that must hurt, though; moms are supposed to love and protect us. To have to process something like that; to find the ability to accept and move forward (I don't know if you have ever forgiven; hard, hard thing..); to be able to accept the love of God and to know that HE does have a plan for you? Oh, how amazing! THank you for sharing.. and know that I am truly thankful for the gift of YOU!
Wow-what an amazing story. He has such a grand plan and I am thankful it included YOU! Blessings! Amanda:)
And what a wonderful story it is!!!
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
God's plans are so much grander and more beautiful than we could ever imagine, aren't they, Denise? I am so thankful that He brought you into this world and for all the many ways you have blessed all of us out in the blog world!
Amazing story Denise. We are all glad God has given you to us your friends as well!
Great story! God continued blessings upon you friend!
Denise, thanks for inspiring me always :) Keep on inspiring the TT community with your entries.
Blessings to you!
Praise God for His sovereignty! Life without you just would not be the same.
Love you.
This epic is so far bigger than our page in it. Yet it certainly would be incomplete without it.
You are such a newly found blessing to me, this post is beautiful and you are a beautiful person, such an inspiration
and witness to Gods great love. Thank you so much for sharing.
I feel so honored to call you friend. You are such a blessing to me and not far from my thoughts.
You play such a big role in so many lives.
Amen, Amen, Amen, and I am Glad your hear!!!!! Cause if you weren't we would've never met.
Love ya,
Oh Denise.... I am crying reading this... I love you and I am thankful that you are here:D:D
Happy thankful Thursday!
amen to this beautiful post.
be blessed. thanks for visiting my TT.
Wow, thank God you survived! I am amazed that your Mom ever told you!
Happy Thursday my friend!
Wow! What a story. I am glad that God meant for you to be here.
Your life is a testimony of God's plans and God's love. Thank you for sharing it!
Every time I read this testimony, I am amazed by God's timing and by His wonderful plans, both for you and for your momma.
Your story never ceases to amaze me. It is an epic story and such a blessing.
Big hugs to you today, my sweet friend.
WOW... we are so Blessed that God gave us all YOU....
What an amazing story..God has really a magnificent plan for your life and no one can take it from you. I'm so blessed my friend.
Denise, you are such a blessing to me. Through posts like this I learn just how much your heart is on fire for God. Your story is a wonderful and powerful testimony to our living God! Happy Thankful Thursday to you, my dear friend.
Wow denise!
Amazing story and you have such a way with words!
Inspiring, that's what this was :)
Thank you for sharing and have a very blessed Thursday!
Oh - what an amazing testimony to the miracles God performs! How glad I am that He chose to stop the effectiveness of those pills and that I get to know you. I love our God! What an incredible blessing you are and what an affirmation that He has chosen you!
What an awesome testimony to Our God and the plans that he has for us even before we are conceived!!!! I am Thankful to God that you have embraced His plan for your life.
Denise...that was such a beautiful post..once again!!
A beautiful, amazing and God given story that you have to share, Denise! I am so thankful that God had a plan and a purpose for your life because without it...I wouldn't have gotten to know and love you! Everyone that gets to know you...becomes a better person because of you, your love and your encouragement in life's difficulties.
You are truly a heaven sent blessing, my sweet, sweet friend!
Oh, WoWzer, what a testimony!!!! You blessed my heart with this epic story, and I'm so glad it is a living one!
I am so glad you are here too...and love that you witness to God's miraculous hand in your life!
What an epic story indeed, Denise! And just think... the final chapter has not been written yet!
Blessings to you.
Thanks for sharing your story. God bless!
Thanks for always encouraging! You inspire me!
What an amazing story! Our God is SO great :) You have blessed me through your blog and your comments. Thanks so much!
Glad your around even though I only know you in blog land
Wow!! Such a beautiful story!
What a story-thanks for sharing God is always in control. Blessing of joy today
God bless you, Denise. He is so pleased in everything you did. :)
thanks for your comments on my post.Angie thinks alot of you.
God Bless you. Jeff Knight
One of the definitions of epic is:
surpassing the usual or ordinary
Not only did this post qualify surpassingly, but your sweet life does as well.
You are a blessing...
I'm a day behind..and just read your TT...
While reading i could hear and feel my heartbeat...WHAT an "epic story" God is soooooooooo good amazing the plans he has for our life even before we where born
Blessings for the weekend
I love you, my dear friend.
Wonderful, heart touching story of God's marvelous grace and love! Thank you again for sharing... love you dear!
Then, I was invited personally by Him, to have my name included in the Lambs book of life...
Oh Denise, I just am weeping reading this... It just renches at my gut. Oh, PRAIS JESE you are alive and will walk the streets of gold. I love you so much.
What a powerful and moving testimony,thanks for sharing that!
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