“For most of this century we have wrongly defined soul wounds as psychological disorders and delegated their treatment to trained specialists. Damaged psyches aren’t the problem. The problem is disconnected souls. ” by Larry Crabb: Amen, I totally agree with this. I am not against counselors, they are needed in some cases. But, if you need the help of a counselor, save your money, turn to the greatest counselor ever, Jesus. He can heal your hurts, bind up your wounds, restore your marriages, and other relationships. He can restore your health, make you better than ever, if only you believe. Also, as a christian, you should be reaching out to this hurting world. Quit turning the other way when you see someone in need, did Jesus turn the other way when He saw all of your needs? No, He met you right where your needs were, and began to bless you. If your soul is truly connected to Jesus, as it should be, then you should have a great desire, a burning fire inside of you, to help others. Look around you, see what is really there. Broken hearts, broken life's, loneliness, abuse, addictions, and way too many lost souls heading toward hell. What can you do to change their situations? What can you do to change their destination from hell to glorious heaven? Be willing to connect with others, join your heart with theirs, and then help them to connect with Jesus. Stop living a disconnected life my friend, be connected, the way Jesus longs for you to be.
What a powerful and awesome message. Great truths shared..(hugs)
My sister is a victim of psychologists, suffering from false memories. It has been most difficult for a our family. I have read many of Lrarry Crab's books...and I have been helped by various books that address co-dependency and other aspects of our psyche. But I believe God led me to the right ones and He was at work leading me to people who would minister to me and help me. God has been the healer all along! He works in many wondrous and mysterious ways. But the pain of bad counselors is very REAL!
Amen...I couldn't have said it better myself!
True Denise! I went to see a psychologist when I was 18. He made me more depressed than anything (ha). I sure some help, but he didn't. The Lord was the only One who could truly help me.
I pray God will prod us to reach out when those near us are hurting.
Well Said, Denise.
Thank you for such a wonderful post. It is so true that we that we allow ourselves to drift away from Jesus. Staying connected is vital to growing in Christ.
I also wanted you to know that your name has been pulled from the jar. I will be contacting you via e-mail in just a few. I hope you enjoy the box filled with writing things.
Your friend in Christ,
Absolutely true, my friend. We should have a burning desire to seek and save the lost. And Jesus is the Great Counselor. He is so able to heal and mighty to save.
Blessings to you today!
You are so right my friend...brokenness is EVERYWHERE..and it's time that the church (each of us) pray that God will open the eyes and ears of our hearts so that we can see those be pass EVERYDAY who are in need.
We truly serve the ultimate PHYSICIAN!!!!
"Stop living a disconnected life and get connected." Well said my friend.
Christ is the greatest counselor we can have and He is free. The price has already been paid all we need to do is show up for our counseling sessions and take what we learn into our daily lives. Thanks for sharing.
Your compassion is amazing, Denise. You are too sweet. I think there are times when we do need to make use of the God-give resources we have available, but we need to ultimately begin with God.
Amen...we're called to bless other and lead them to connect with Jesus.
Yes, often, I think, if we were to see Jesus today, we'd pass him right by.
Well said, sweet Denise. As always.
Your wording is simple and to the point, yet so very wise.
Powerful! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for ALL!
I can't make the font any larger in comments, so I'll just repeat myself:
My commenters on my blog tell me I am bold -- this post is bold my friend!
A few of your commenters here alone are proof that modern day psychology does NOT hold all the answers.
But, guess what??
JESUS does!
Happy IOW, friend!
Hi Denise! I wanted to nominate you for the award too, but for some reason I couldn't get onto you site last nite! I'm glad to see you are indeed still blogging. I nominate you too! Have an awesome day!
Very true Denise. You don't have to explain anything to Jesus...He already knows.
Amen! Awesome post!
Hi Denise,
What a great blog! So full of truth and hope for our dying world... I hope you get many readers, because the truth of Christ can change lives!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog at
Denise, I just read this and you are so right. God is truly guiding you. Thank you! This has blessed me and challenged me.
Thank you for the challenge to live an authentic Christian life. We all need a reminder to put our faith in practice.
Very well stated friend!
So true Denise!
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