As you are driving down the road, you will see various road signs along the way. They are there for a reason, to keep everyone on the road aware, and safe. We all pay careful attention to these signs, if it says stop, we stop. If it says road slippery when wet, then we take precautions on that road if it has been raining, or snowing. Well, God gives us signs along the road of our life. He warns us of dangers, and sins. He tries to keep us protected, and if we would always heed His warning signs, we would be so much better off. Why do we choose to follow our own signs down the road of life? Do we actually think we know where we are going, and the best way to get there, without the guidance of God? He created this world, He knows everything about everything. Please quit trying to travel the often dangerous roads of life alone, give total control over to God. I promise you, His driving record is excellent.
Amen! God is greater than any GPS system invented because He sees over the hills and around the curves. Plus...there is no tomorrow with God...He has already been there.
I am guilty of trying to do things on my own but when you stop and really think about it...why would I even try?
Thank you for another reminder to listen to Him and not myself.
I just wanted to stop by to say congratulations in the recognition of your blog with the Internet Cafe and may you continue to keep your heart close to the LORD that all that you write brings honor and glory to HIM. God bless you!
Blessings Denise...AMEN! You clearly have this down and the wisdom of God! I love your great ending! Yes, we need to pay attention to the warning signs, and give God control since He knows best! Thanks for keeping us on the path of righteousness & God's way. One way>>>JESUS!
You're so right; it's often about control. I struggle with that many times. God knows what's best and yet...I could avoid many difficulties by simply heeding the warnings. Good post!
Oh, I LOVE the things you have to say, Sweet Pea! This made me think about the Word - the ultimate driving manual to keep us safe and out of the ditch. Cheers!
You're so right, Denise...the straight and narrow path is the only way to go! Have a blessed Tuesday, my friend! Love ya!♥
I love how you ended this..His driving record is excellent. So cute, my friend. And so true! Excellent and proven over and over again!
Loved this post, sweet sister. And love you!
Amen! God is greater than any GPS system invented because He sees over the hills and around the curves. Plus...there is no tomorrow with God...He has already been there.
I am guilty of trying to do things on my own but when you stop and really think about it...why would I even try?
Thank you for another reminder to listen to Him and not myself.
Love you!
I just wanted to stop by to say congratulations in the recognition of your blog with the Internet Cafe and may you continue to keep your heart close to the LORD that all that you write brings honor and glory to HIM. God bless you!
you are right Denise. We obey the regulations but we sometimes disobey God. That's rude! Thank you so much for sharing.
god bless you sweetheart.
Blessings Denise...AMEN! You clearly have this down and the wisdom of God! I love your great ending! Yes, we need to pay attention to the warning signs, and give God control since He knows best! Thanks for keeping us on the path of righteousness & God's way. One way>>>JESUS!
Ha ... His driving record is excellent. Too cute!
I pray we have eyes to see and ears to hear His warning signs.
Bless you,
You're so right; it's often about control. I struggle with that many times. God knows what's best and yet...I could avoid many difficulties by simply heeding the warnings. Good post!
Excellent post, Denise!
Amen, great word!!!!
Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."
Human sinful nature tends to choose the wrong way.
So true Denise, thanks!
Amen, sister!
Could not have said it any better, Denise. It is so true -- we often think we are better without Him...
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this week's quote with us.
Be blessed today and always...
Good thoughts! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, I LOVE the things you have to say, Sweet Pea! This made me think about the Word - the ultimate driving manual to keep us safe and out of the ditch. Cheers!
"His driving record is excellent."
I guess I'll have to work on that one - I have an imaginary brake pedal on my side of the car! LOL!
Thanks Denise. Good post.
Great post Denise. Life is so much easier and less stressful when we give total control over to Him.
Very well put friend! Great post!
Amen - Giving God control is a powerful lesson often learned the hard way! Thanks, AVA
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