Saturday, December 20, 2008

Super Simple Sunday

What if...
The Christmas Tree is a symbol of eternal life? An evergreen that is cut then dies. Like Jesus died so we might have eternal life.
The lights on the tree are the symbol of "we are the light of the world"?
The star is the symbol of the star that shown bright when Jesus was born?
The Angel is to remind us that we are surrounded by angels?
The candle is the symbol of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit?
Santa is the symbol of giving, with no respect of persons?
It didn't just happen that Santa wears red and white, with a black belt? Sin covered by THE BLOOD leaves us white as snow.

Let us remember
Jesus is the reason for the season.


Unknown said...

Oh if so many would remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.. What a better world this would be...

"Let there be Peace on earth and Let it begin with me...."

Have a wonderful Christmas.

Peggy said...

This is so well said Denise! You are just aglow with Jesus light & His love! It's no wonder that you didn't need to put up decorations on a have it ALL! The eternal life, the Light of the world, surrounded by Angels & one very particular ONE as Guardian &
a candle, a star, & a Santa...who
knows you've been soooo good! God loves you so much & so do I! Blessings & I love the reminder...
but we do know the reason for this season & HE LIVES in YOU! Praise God!...You know what? I didn't realize it but this makes a SUPER SUNDAY perfect & starts it out just
with the best purpose & reason JESUS! Hope if you have snow it's the dreamy, fluffy White Christmas
kind for you 2 Lovebugs to cuddle up & snuggle by a candle!

Lisa said...

Love that analogy, excellent food for thought.

Debra Kaye said...

Sweet Denise,

Well said, sweet sister!

Deborah said...

I like that. I pray everyone finds Christ in Christmas this year.

Anonymous said...

very good!
Mama Bear

luvmy4sons said...

Love so many ways everything points to Jesus!

Sue Seibert said...

Amen. Amen. Merry Christmas!

Gretchen said...

I love this. And this year with our lights being white and red, I really think about it all the time. Which, of course, I should be doing anyway. ;)

April said...

You better believe He is, my friend! :)

Grace said...

Hi Denise, I hope you will have a worry-free and a healthy Christmas.
Jesus is the reason of Christmas. Amen to that.

The Dementia Nurse said...

Denise, this is beautiful! You truly ARE a precious light in an ever-darker world. Christmas blessings to you and yours:)

More Than Words said...

Hi Denise! Wow..that was great! I never heard it told like that before!!

HUGS to you my sweet friend!

Marsha said...

Awesome thoughts, my friend.

Daphine said...

I couldn't have said it any better friend! Great post!