Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year Coming

Hello dear friends, praying that you are all doing well. Can you believe that a new year is almost about to begin? Are you happy about that, or does it stress you? I pray it makes you happy to think of a new year, filled with many exciting adventures that God has waiting for you. Open your heart to all the opportunities that God will make availiable to you. Make every effort that you possibly can this coming year, to be a blessing. Bless others as God so often blesses you. Share smiles, love, laughter, happiness, and God with everyone you can. If you do feel stressed, instead of letting calgon take you away, get away to a quiet place with God, let Him be your stress reliever, and heart healer my friends. Be blessed.


na said...

Great post and so encouraging. I had just been thinking that I need to focus more on the many positive things that are going on in my life rather than the few negative things. I absolutely love coming to your blog!


Jules said...

Thanks for this precious reminder! Love you!

LauraLee Shaw said...

You're an encouragement and blessing. Thank you, friend.

Speaking from the Heart said...


I am going to bookmark this post. This is a good post to read as I meander through 2009.


bp said...

God is the best stress relief! Thanks for the encouraging words.

GranthamLynn said...

Beautifully sweet post. Thank you for sharing. Hugs and Happy New Year,Sherry

Sandi said...

Thank you for your reminder. I tend to get depressed this time of year because the decorations come down and my relatives put Jesus aside till Easter now. But I am going to be a blessing to them this year. I want them to see Jesus in me all year.

Bernadine said...

Beautiful post Denise and great advice for a New Year.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Denise, I just LOVE the shortybear dance! Too cute!!

I am THRILLED with the idea of having a whole new year FILLED with the Lord! I could just do the shortybear dance right now -- but my kids would look at me like I'm crazy!

Love you so much, my sweet friend.

luvmy4sons said...

Amen. Calgon has nothing on the Holy Spirit! LOL! Happy New Year to you!

Daphine said...

Great post! Thanks for the reminder friend!

Blessings to you!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

It is hard to believe that it is going to be 2009!! I still have a hard time remembering that we are in the 2000's...I think I thought I would never live that long!! smile!!

Debra Kaye said...


What a great encourager you are, my sweet friend! Love you!

More Than Words said...

What a great encouragment!! Thank you so much Denise, for being so sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and sharing always what is on your heart!!!!

Grace said...

Yeah, new year is almost about the begin. I'm excited about that. I always do. I want to have some changes in my life on this new year through. And it is only by God's grace that I can accomplish them.

Marsha said...

Hello dear friend! I made it home, but sorry I missed seeing you! We'll try again sometime. Love you bunches.

And I love this post! I've enjoyed watching you grow this year. I look forward to posting with you in '09 - how divine!

Jennifer said...

Thank you, Denise for a beautiful reminder of what God has called us to do...bless others as He has blessed us. You are a perfect example of how to do this. You have truly been a blessing to me just in the short time that I've know you.

Love you!


Melanie said...

I love thinking about the new year all that lies ahead for each one of us as we seek to further our relationships with the Lord.

Happy New Year!

Donetta said...

He smells better than that yucky perfume anyway:)
Hay you, I am looking forward to the future. Time just moves at such a rapid pace one day my kids will be grown. In the blink on an eye!

Addicted to Beadz said...


I'm thrilled for a new year.

Love you my friend,


Irene said...

Have a blessed 2009 my dear, wise friend.

sailorcross said...

Again you are the great encourager!! What a spiritual gift you have been given in encouragement of others!!

I'm looking forward to this New Year, not feeling stressed--my peace in Jesus.

Love you,
