Hello my friends, praying you are all doing well. I went to see my doctor this afternoon for my lab results. She is really concerned about my thyroid, diabetes, and cholesterol. My thyroid is five times the level it should be, my blood sugars are running crazy, my total cholesterol is 394, and my triglycerides are 596, because my triglycerides are so high, they cannot detect my bad cholesterol level, and my good cholesterol is to low. All of these out of control problems are wrecking havoc on my body. We have to get them under control, and soon. So, she increased my thyroid medicine, changed my insulin, and put me on medicine to try to lower my triglycerides,and increased my other cholesterol medicine. She also put me on medicine for my stomach problems. She is having me go for an ultrasound on my thyroid, to see if there are any problems going on that we are not aware of. I am putting everything in Gods hands for safe keeping. Between God and my Doctor, I know things will be fine. When we left the Doctors office, I started trying to figure out how we could get all the prescriptions that I needed. There were 6 prescriptions, and we pay $20.00 per prescription, so that totals to $120.00. So, I say to lovebug, "we cannot afford all of these right now, I will just get a couple of them" lovebug says" you need them all, we are going to get all of them" I say" lets go home, and figure this all out" We come home, I check our mail, there was a Christmas card from one of my dear blog friends. I have no idea which blog friend, they signed it anonymous. Guess what they included in the Christmas card? A $100.00 gift card!! I took the gift card, went to my pharmacy, they filled all 6 prescriptions, and it came to $60.00 The prescriptions were cheaper than we thought they would be, and I was able to use the gift card to pay for them. There is still $40.00 for the next time I need medicine. I have been in tears all day, praising God for His sweet blessings upon me. Whoever you are anonymous, please know how very grateful I am to you. You greatly touched my heart with your kindness. I will never forget your blessing me with your beautiful heart. I pray that you will be abundantly blessed as you have abundantly blessed me. God and I love you very, very much anonymous. You gave me a Christmas miracle. Thank you, thank you.
Oh Denise, how wonderful!! What a blessing! God knows when we have a need and He always provides doesn't he.
I pray the new medications work and will make you feel good again.
Merry Christmas Denise!
Just when we say we can't, God shows us we can. We forget that He is in charge and already has the answer. I still am awed when this happens.
So, Praise that you have all your meds. I hope you begine to see changes right away and that the new year brings a return to good health.
Merry Christmas to you and Love Bug.
I love you,
Mama Bear
Oh Denise, may God greatly blessed your blogger friend that gave you blessing. And I am so happy with that testimony. God is really our great provider, and He is always on time.
May you have a healthy Christmas, my friend. We love you. :)
Oh Denise! I'm praising God for you! He knew that you needed to receive that Christmas miracle today. I love how His timing and control in our lives is perfect. Thank you God for providing for this need. I am praying for you as you work to control these various things with your body.
Hi Denise,
I am so glad your prayers were answered by a blog angel. I use fish oil omega 3, on my hubby it has helped to improve his cholesterol. It is 140 but the hdl is 25 so we still need to get that part up. I am still praying you will regain your health. I have the flue or something so I canceled Christmas here. My daughter is going to have it at her home. So they will all be together.
How awesome that God provided above and beyond what you needed.
Praying that you will soon feel much better.
Merry Christmas!
Oh Denise, how AWESOME!!!! God is ALWAYS in control He knows the right time to Bless us all. I'll be praying for the new medicines to work and to start kick'n in real soon. Merry Christmas Denise Love you bunches!!!!!
Heather A.
That tells me God has heard our prayers and He is working and using His children as vessels. You are such a precious sister, the Lord is looking out for you for all the care and compassion and prayers you have interceded for others. I am going to pray for continued healing and wisdom on the part of your doctor.
God is good! So happy for you! Will be praying for your health, Denise.
Have a blessed Christmas!
Oh Denise...I'm am just so in awe of our God!!! He provides when we don't even see how!! I'm praising Him w/ you and rejoicing with you that you were able to get your meds and still have some leftover. I'm sure the person who sent it to you feels just as blessed!!
OH, praise the Lord, HE is so good to lead and to guide! I will be praying for all these balance issues physically speaking, precious sister in Christ. You are so very dear to me.
Merry Christmas!!! May God continue to pour out his blessings over you!!!
Oh, Denise!!
I love when things like this happen!! I read this and thought to myself--and there is God right in the midst--providing for Denise with an anonymous gift to pay for her medications!! God promises to provide for us, and He does and He will!!
Praying that the new medications will help you feel better and get those lab results under control!!
Oh God is sogood. What a wonderful blessing! I am so sorry to hear about all the bad tests results but glad to know you were able to get your medicine. Praying for you in this upcoming New Year to have a turn around in your health. Blessings to you and Merry Christmas!
PRAISE GOD DENISE! He is able! Praying that the Lord will heal you! BTW I just read something on gluten intolerance, because I am concerned about my health as well. Has your doctor checked into that? He is the link to check it out. It involveds alot of the issues you are having.
Merry Christmas!
That is the most touching story I've heard in a very long time. A true Christmas miracle, indeed! Praying for you, my friend!
Praise God! What a wonderful testimony of our Father.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
I pray that you get your illnesses undercontrol.
What a wonderful Blessing. Many times I ended up being thankful on Thursday for the new friends I have found through this medium. I believe that we allow God to us it in a good way. I am thankful that God brought us together. I am praying for you. I am praying God will provide Peace for your afflictions and healing. Many Blessings to you.
Praising the Lord for His faithfulness!
God bless you, sweet sister. I'm praying for you! Merry Christmas!
Thank and praise God for providing for you in such a wonderful way! May our Lord continue to preserve and strengthen you as you continue to testify of His love, goodness and mercies. Praying for you.
Praise God! What a testimony to His caring for you -- for all of us. I'm with you in praying rich blessings for the blogger friend who answered His call to help you. How many times we ignore that call or defeat it quickly with, "I can't."
That's exactly what I've been doing, because I thought I didn't really have the means to help a certain someone who needs help right now. And, I also felt that others were helping and that my help would not make much difference.
Now that I've read your story, I'm convicted, and though it's too late for me to help with Christmas, I know God will direct my gift at just the right time.
Wow! Thank you for sharing this...all of it, so I can pray for your health, and give thanks for the perfect provision He gives through his people. God is so good. love you.
I am crying and rejoicing with you! I'm doing the happy dance!! I will pray the meds will work soon! I love you dear sister. Please go to my prayer requests and right out your prayer request for us to pray for you... okay? I love you!
What a wonderful blessing from our Father! This world has been such a blessing to all of us.
What an amazing family we are a members of.
Thanking God with you!
I'm sorry to hear that you're having health problems, but I'm praising God with you for His provision!
This Christmas, we really needed finances. Within four days, one couple had given us $100 in cash, another couple blessed each member of our family with gift cards totaling $100, and one of my husband's relatives sent us a check for $100. Praise God!
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