Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In Other Words Tuesday

“Thanksgiving begins with Thanks Living. Life is God’s gift to you. What you do with your life, is your gift to God.”Anonymous: Let me add a great big amen to this. I definitely consider my life a precious gift straight from Gods heart. He knitted me in my mothers womb, and kept me safely wrapped in the cocoon of His love. The circumstances of life, could have kept me from being born. I was actually an attempted abortion, but by the grace of God, I survived. God has kept me snuggled close to His heart my entire life, always watching over me. I am so not worthy of the gifts He has given me, but I am very appreciative. I want to live my life for Him, I want His light to shine through me. I never want my light to burn out, I want to lead others to the greatest gift ever, my Lord and Saviour, Jesus.


luvmy4sons said...

He is sovereign...and His purposes stand and He loves us with an amazing love. Amen.

Patricia said...

You shine with His love and that reflection is cast on all who read your words, both in your posts and in the encouragement you give with your comments on our posts. I count you as one of the blessings I am thankful for this holiday season.

Thank you for being His faithful encourager! Happy Tuesday, dear friend!

Laurie Ann said...

His light shines so brightly through your precious heart, dear friend! I love that you are a survivor and that you live your life in thanksgiving to Him. You are an inspiration, Denise!

Michelle Bentham Blogspot said...

Oh Denise, I love your blog's new look. It's truly beautiful, as is your heart for the Lord.

You said, "AMEN!" and I say, "AMEN that AMEN!"


Esthermay Bentley-Goossen said...

I think your story of near death abortion before you were even cognizant of your surroundings makes you one who can truly know thanksgiving. Our ways are not HIS --- and our American English definitions of "joy" and "blessing," etc. make it impossible for us to experience true Thanksgiving. It takes a heart shaped by God himself to express and appreciate Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving, Friend!
Kindest Thoughts,

Anonymous said...

You always say so much in so few words, and you did it again today - thanks! There's so much to be said for appreciation of all we have thru Christ.


Anonymous said...

I can so relate to what you shared. Though I was not an attempted baby to be aborted, my birthmom gave me up for adoption. She could've aborted me. I've much to be thankful for. Thank you for the reminders!

Karen said...

That was awesome. God is awesome, we are not worthy of His gifts yet He gives them to us anyway and that should make us forever thankful.