What is one thing, or cause that you are passionate about? (More specifically, something you feel that the Lord has burdened your heart with): Wow, such a great question this week. There are several things that I feel very passionate about, but if I must choose just one, it would be diabetes awareness. Diabetes runs in my family. Type 1-myself, my sister,my oldest brother, and my nephew. Type 2-my dad, and my other brother. Diabetes is such a devastating disease, and affects so many. My sister has heart disease, and has had several heart attacks, and open heart surgery. She has nerve damage throughout her body, and only 40% kidney function. She lost her toe due to this disease. I have nerve damage in my feet, and my left hip. I am legally blind, have 4 heart blockages, and kidney damage. My oldest brother passed away this year on June 8 from his diabetes, he would have turned 56 on August 14. My uncle, who was only 58 passed away in July of this year from his diabetes. So, I think you can understand why I feel so passionate about this disease. My heart goes out to all of those whom are dealing with this disease, whether you have it yourself, or a loved one is dealing with it. Never give up, just keep looking up. God is with you, He is your true physician.
I can certainly see why you are so passionate about this! I will put a link on my blog regarding diabetis. Thank you for keeping it in the for front...
God Bless...
thanks for bringing attention to diabetes. it's easy to forget how difficult it is to live with disease and to pray for those who do.
may the Lord's grace be enough for you today!
I too mourn the loss of many who have been wasted by this disease, and pray that more would learn coping and management skills to help avoid many of the problems that occur. Teach us Lord how to live in the temples You gave us in ways that honour You.
Wow Denise, this is so sad; and encouraging. Thank you for posting this - I don't really know much about diabetes and would love to know more.
God bless you.
Wow! I can understand your passion about educating people in the area of diabetes. My mother is greatly affected as well. Thanks for having a heart for those who suffer with the dieases in this world. Praise God we look forward to a place where there will be no more sickness and death. God bless you
Sometimes it's our suffering that God intends for the most good. I pray that through your experiences you can be an encouragement and inspiration to others (and from the little I have gotten to know you, I can say that you already are.)
Bless your sweet soul...Denise...how could you not be passionate about this! And indeed we ALL need to be better aware. My husband has had diabetes since 1986 and treats it only with medications and diet so far. He is in some special study.
I knew that you have a great desire
to see this disease find a cure or at least better prevention and treatment to spare others from such great losses. One could spend a whole day just praying for all your family. God bless and heal each one
May all the pain and suffering be erased and may your sight, kidneys heart and any other part be restored in Jesus Name and we will
praise Him and dance in His Glory!
Good wisdom and advice "Never give up...just keep looking UP!" May Your GREAT PHYSICIAN make a house call today and every day to YOU &
YOUR precious loved ones!
Oh and thanks so much for all your visits to my Husband Challenge! I guess they are not that interesting to others unless they want to do them or pray! We can all pray!!!
Big bear hug!!!
There definitely should be more education about diabetes. I work in a physicians' office, and you would be surprised at the amount of people who are diabetic and just don't realize the implications of this disease.
My oldest daughter was diagnosed earlier this year. She is 25. She is following her diet, following her physician's orders and seeing a diabetic educator.
And I am praying for her to continue to du these things for herself and her health.
Thanks for allowing God to work in your life this way and being an inspiration to others.
Hey Denise,
I share your passion for education about diabetes - as I know how awful the disease is. My daughter (age 14) has dealt with it for 7 years now. She has good days and bad. The highs, the lows are life altering. Praying for you my friend and all those who deal with this every day.
You have a definite reason to be passionate about diabetes...and both types in your family, oh my I didn't realize that before.
God has given each of us a passion to follow. It's our way of bringing glory to Him.
Be blessed, my sweet friend.
Wonderful blog you have here. Good post. I have type 1 diabetes and like you know the effects of this awful disease...So glad to meet you....Blessings...Mary
Thank you for the awareness, Denise.
You really are a living testimony!
Thanks for sharing.
Denise, thank you for bringing diabetes awareness to light. I know from having relatives with this disease how complicated life can get, and it's a passion that deserves the awareness you have given it. You are a blessing, dear friend in Christ.
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