“I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you...” Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)All my life, I dreamed of being a mom one day. I would play with my dolls, dressing them, feeding them, mostly loving them. When I met my dear lovebug, I knew I wanted to make a home with him, and have his children. We were married in April 1985, immediately we decided to start trying to have a baby. Well, things did not go as planned, and after 15 years of trying to conceive, in April 2000, I had to have a total hysterectomy. So, it was not Gods plan for me to be a mom. Five years down the road, 2005, my momma became very sick. She was living with us, I became her caregiver. All of my time, and attention was spent on my momma. She needed me, and I was honored to be there for her. I saw Gods plan clearly, our roles had been reversed. I was now mothering my momma. God saw me through the hardest days of my life, He took such loving care of me, as I took care of my momma. As I watched my momma fading away, God came closer and closer to me. He used this precious time, to teach me some very valuable life lessons. I praise Him for planning out my life, and always being there by my side, taking gentle loving care of me.
God's ways are not our ways. But I love how you always go back and find that place of peace with your Savior! Hugs to you sister.
My favorite verse, Denise!! Sometimes our lives just do not go as we planned...God has HIS own plans.
This verse is so helpful to hang onto when things don't go the way we wish they would. You did get to be a mother, just not to little babies. I love to hear your attitude of realizing that God had a plan all along.
Hey, I wonder if there will be any babies needing Mommies in heaven?
He has perfect plans..not always our plans...but perfect plans none the less..some of which I'm sure won't be revealed until we go "home."
peace today Denise...
Thanks for sharing your heart. How wonderful that you were able to be there for your mother that way.
You are a beautiful person Denise!
You are exactly doing what God needed you to do and I know you wouldn't trade it for anything.
Hope you are feeling well today.
Praying for you always~
Denise, accepting God's plan for us in this life is made so much easier when we look at the big picture, or when we can't see it until later, trusting God for knowing what's best. I'm so glad you made the most of the opportunity God gave you. God bless your sweet and caring heart. Your post was so touching.
And just think of all the lives you are pouring into - all the young women who look up to you:
Isaiah 54:1 tells us this:
"Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband," says the LORD."
His plans may not be our plans, but His are always best. You have spiritual children, sweet sister and they outnumber the children of those who bore them from their womb. Count it all joy, my friend and realize the glory of His promise.
Thank you for sharing your heart and always pointing us to the Savior.
Love & Hugs
Thanks for sharing your heart. His plans are not always the plans we wish for but they are perfect in Him.
Blessings to you friend!
The beauty of your soul shines through your blog like the brightest light I have ever seen. Your sweet spirit about your trials and tribulations is a crowning testimony of evidence that you are in fact a daughter of the king. The brightness of your face shines because it is obvious you have been in His presence. I truly look forward to meeting you in heaven.
God Bless you Denise
I did a post about The Message today and then I come over here and you have the verse from this Bible on your blog. How cool. I was wondering if I was the only one to read this Bible.
It is really good to head this message since our plans are never the plans our Lord seems to have for us. He has the plans he knows for us and that's that. Good thing he knows our needs better then we know them.
This is the verse I am clinging too as well.
Thanks for reminding us that God does have a plan and He does care.
It makes me think how wonderful that God knows what is best for us when we are hoping for something else.
I just love your heart... you are just so precious...
and God.. just stands in awe of your beauty...
thank you for all you are... all you do and all you mean to me...
lots of love
The first time I read one of your post, I told you I was going to go back and read them all but it would take me awhile. I am now on
I have been so touched time and time again with your honest, loving and transparent spirit. I have especially enjoyed reading,
"Friday's with Momma"
When you wrote about making the birthday cake, I thought of how I write a letter to my two children on their birthday. I never know what I will write but I just start writing and thoughts come. Sometimes I get the letters out and reread them. It always brings comfort with sweet, sweet memories.
I will share a portion of a letter to my daughter:
"I have wondered if your spirit could see us when we were encircled around your bed to tell you "bye" for the last time. There was so much love in that room - it was incredible! Somehow, I believe that you were aware and was reaching out to us as we were reaching out to you . . and love connected in a powerful way."
I will continue to be blessed by your post and let you know when I have completed them all.
God is good all the time. .
Thanks Denise for sharing your beautiful story.
I like the way you saw God's hand prints over your life.
His ways are so much HIGHER then ours.
Blessings to you today♥
God does know best! Even when it doesn't make sense or we wish it were different. In the end we understand just as you do now!
You are a woman after God's own heart.... I always love coming here..........
Love ya girl.....
Why is that verse so hard to remember when things are going rough?
Denise your post is a sweet reminder that even when we can't see how the plans of God will work, He has a reason for delaying or saying no to our heart's desire. Bless you for sharing how your perspective on a very painful "no" from God became a sweet blessing.
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