Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Word Filled Wednesday

Thank You Lord for the sweet dreams, and precious peace that You nightly gift me with. I have no fear of sleep, You always guard me through the night.


Mary said...


Such a great post today. I love your faith that God will watch over you during the night. He does the same for me. I have no fear of sleep, but do have trouble getting to sleep some nights. Not sure why except my sleep schedule is all messed up. Once I get to sleep, I sleep as soundly as that cute little kitten.

Blessings to you for a wonderful day.

luvmy4sons said...

Love, love that picture! AND that scripture!

Sharon Brumfield said...

When I was young I had horrible dreams. So bad that I would wake frozen in terror. My Dad would wake to find me standing by his bed unable to move. He would take me back to bed and pray for me until I could breath evenly again and go to sleep.
When Julia was born I prayed the same prayer almost ever night.I prayed that God would give her sweet dreams about Him and His angels.
We have some pretty amazing stories of God answering those prayers.
He does give sweet sleep.

Denise said...

Oh!!!! thank you Lord for a Good night sleep!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

too cute! i love it!
Happy WFW Denise!

Nancie said...

Oh, the picture is so sweet! And the verses very encouraging. Thanks for sharing. Thank God He give us sleep daily and refresh us in His strength for every new day. God bless!