Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Hello all you sweet ladies, lets praise the Lord together. 1) I praise God for the treasured places in my heart, where my friends reside. 2) Hugs, which are precious gifts from God. 3) Adversity, because it makes me stronger. 4) The school of hard knocks, I am proud to be a graduate from there. 5) Gods unfailing love to me. 6) Tender moments with my sweet husband. 7) Encouraging words from my dear friends. 8) Naps on rainy days, so peaceful. 9) Beautiful dolphins, my wish is to one day swim with one.. 10) My eyesight, thank You Father.


Irene said...

And I am thankful for you and for God's presence in our lives.
Take care and enjoy your day.

Susan said...

Great post!

Grateful for: "The school of hard knocks"...hmmm wonder if we were in the same class!

Blessings to you this TT,


Anonymous said...

Denise: You are always so faithful to be one of my first comments on Thursday so today I am beating you to the punch and being one of your first comments!!

I share being thankful for each on your list. I particularly loved #9. I love dolphins and would love to swim with them, too. I know not everyone shares our love for the creatures of the sea. But, they are such a beautiful picture of God's creation.

Have a great day!! I will be praying about your test results on Monday.

Sharon Brumfield said...

God is good isn't He.
How He can carefully guide the tough times so that they build us up and don't destroy us.
He is amazing.

Gretchen said...

Lord, thank You for this sweet encourager and dear friend. Cover her with Your healing and comfort, I pray. In Jesus' name. Amen.


Tea with Tiffany said...

Love the short way you write your thanks. It's so good. Thankful for your perspective and for your eyesight.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing us your TT... Blessings!

Nise' said...

Thankful for your sweet spirit!

Bernadine said...

Lovely list Denise. You share one of my best friends love for dolphins. If you ever visit the Bahamas I'll point you in the right direction to swim with them. I'll watch from a distance, lol

day by day said...

All such wonderful blessings! Whenever I am doing my of the first in my thoughts is ALWAYS - God's unfailing love. Wow, how thankful I am for that!

I enjoyed looking through your blog! I am wondering where you found such great Christmas pictures/graphics? I always come across the glittery ones which are good, but I would also love some that don't move. : ) said...

You have a very sweet list! I am thankful for You!! Love and Hugs, Grams

Unknown said...


Number 4, you and me both. One day as we are about God's business in heaven, I want to hear all of your stories. Love you so very much.

Merry Christmas

ellen b. said...

Thanking God with you, Denise! Blessings...

Patty said...

so many reasons to be thankful ! My list is long and I sure am glad of that

Mary said...

Praising the Lord with you my sister! And I LOVE naps on rainy days. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you.

lori said...

Girl...the dance post was priceless!:)

You are so AMAZINGLY blessed to have that man in your life...what a vessel of Christ...I know I've said it before, but some people search a lifetime for what you two share..

I am waiting and praying with you while you wait for the results...peace Denise..
it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or confusion or hard work. It means to be in the middle of those things and still be calm in your heart...
peace in HIM...
goodnight girl!

Toknowhim said...

My fourth "Know & Tell" meme is up.. I love to read your answers...

Andrea said...

I love your list...I too am thankful for hugs - they are just wonderful! And to swim with the that would be fun!! :)

Cheryl said...

You have such a sweet TT post. I always enjoy my visit with you. Thanks for sharing. God Bless!

Mary said...


So many things to be thankful. I'm so glad that you have a special relationship with God.


Lori said...

You always bless me my friend!

Crystal said...

Wow, such a great Thankful post my friend! Hey I wish I could take you with me in January! We are going to Mexico and we are going to swim with the dolphins. I am so excited!

Gran said...

An awesome Thankful post....we all have so much to be thankful for...I am so thankful for you my sweet and precious,Denise.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers all weekend!

May your weekend be filled with lots of love and family.

I Love You,