Well, today is Eddies birthday. His two favorite desserts are peach cobbler, and german chocolate cake. He wants to celebrate his birthday on Saturday, so I am baking him a cake then, and taking him out to eat for dinner. I wanted to surprise him today, by making him a peach cobbler, and boy did I surprise him!! I made the cobbler, put it in the oven to cook for 35 minutes, and went to get in the shower. Everything was going perfect, it would be done before Eddie came in from work. Well, I got out of the shower, smelled something burning, ran into the kitchen, and everything was so smoky. Due to my poor vision, I had used the wrong pie pan, it was spilling all over the oven. I opened the oven, could barely see for all the smoke, about that time, the smoke detector starts going off. I am trying to get the cobbler out of the oven, it is dripping all over the place, I dropped it. Splat!!! All over the floor, cabinets, and me. Then, I realize that I need to turn the smoke detector off, before my neighbors call the fire department. Well, I have to get a chair, stand on it, and get a broom,, try, try, try to hit the smoke detector. I cannot reach it, I am only five feet tall. At this point, the kitchen, and living room are both filled with smoke. I cannot see, and I start to cry my eyes out. About then, the door opens, and there is my beloved birthday guy. I look at him, through my tears, and say: honey, please help me!!! Of course, Eddie calmly precedes to take care of everything. He says, you called for a fireman? I will rescue you sweetie. He picks me up, sets me down on the couch,then he turns the smoke detector off. He goes into the kitchen, cleans up the mess, opens the door and windows to get all the smoke out, and then comes over by me, sits down, and gives me a huge hug. I look at him, and say:Happy Burnday Baby!! We both crack up laughing, he tells me thanks for the cobbler. Now, that is love..............................
Awe, what a sweet guy!!
Awww I dont know whether to laugh or compliment your sweet husband or feel sorry for you lol. I am sure your sweet hubby knew your intentions...next time, maybe buy a cobbler :-D. Ive certainly had moments like yours and I have 20/20 vision lol. I applaud your husband for his good nature and you for your loving heart :-D HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDIE!
awwwww .... you are both blessed to have found each other! :)
Blessings ...
Awww, You have a sweet heart for a hubby.
My oven has it knobs on the front. I have to lean over to reach everything. (I'm also short) I have turned my oven up with my stomach by reaching across. I can't even tell you everything I have burned. My family had learned to keep the nose alert while I'm cooking. LOL
You have a great evening and get some rest.
Love Ya
You know what they say...it's the thought that counts. :O)
Happy Birthday Eddie! You and your wife ROCK!
All I can say is: Eeee-YUP.
He's so sweet!
Oh, I couldn't help smiling while I was reading your post.
Oh my sweet Denise! I would be looking for a chair, too, doing the exact same movements, that makes it so funny. And the relief of having your dear husband coming in at the right time!
Bless him and you, and God's providence.
I am so glad that you are ok! That is pure love baking the peach cobbler for Eddie. It is a blessing that your hero came through that door as he did. God definitely sent him to rescue you from harm.
It is wonderful that you two could laugh at the situation.
Oh, Denise. What a darling Eddie is. I'm glad he came home in time to rescue both you and the mess.
Eddie is a wonderful husband to you and I'm so glad that he loves you so much. You are definitely blessed.
Love and hugs,
What a sweet story and what a heroic guy :)
should I laugh or cry? I feel like doing both!
We all need our knight in shinning armor. Looks like you got yours for sure.
Hope the rest of the evening went by with out a fuss.
Now that is just a precious story! Eddie is a true sweetheart! Thanks for sharing!
= )
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