Well, I got the results back today, from last Wednesdays blood work. My total cholesterol is 291, it should be under 200. My triglyceride's are 550, and they should be under 150. My thyroid level is 25.99, and it should be 0.35-5.50. They do not have the results from my liver enzyme test yet, they will call me as soon as they get them. I am sure my thyroid level being so high, is not making me feel very well either. I am waiting to see if my Doctor is going to change my medicines or not. It seems like she may need to.
oh dear...it does sound like maybe some changes are in order...
it looks like it can't go any place but up from here...
I am still praying...and hard!
You know one of the ones that I want to meet is Paul...I have said that before..such a change in his heart and such faith...want to sit and chat with him someday...
I love visiting..
I will say it over and over again...your faith astounds and teaches me...
thank you Denise.
wow those numbers are high. I hope your doctor can get them down with meds. I'm praying for you
You are very much in my thoughts and sprayers
Jen at http://my3boysandi.wordpress.com/
My goodness... That all sounds so overwhelming. I am sure glad you all love the Lord. By His grace and mercy, scary things like those numbers can be made small next to his power. Many blessings to you all.
Oh boy these aren't so good... Thanks for praying for my test results while waiting for your! You are so good.... I go to the Doctor on Wednesday and I will get mine....
I have been out and about a lot today!! Kelly is still at work,but it is almost time for her to be home. Love you and I will keep you in my prayers that you get so much better! Hugs Grams
I am going to add you to my prayer list. I am also adding your blog to my favorites at http: pastorcal.blogspot.com.
Goodness girl. Thank heavens for labs so that we can know what is going on in our bodies.
Thanking God for the wisdom He is going to share with your doctors.
In Jesus name I thank Him for bring you body back into line. May He be glorified.
Thank you Jesus.
Oh my goodness! I'm sorry to hear that the lab results are way too high. I will pray for wisdom for your doctor and also that the Great Physician will have His hand on your body and your spirit.
Blessings and love,
PS. Forgot to mention that I love your little bear snuggled under the blanket resting. I do hope you are doing the same.:-)
You are for sure in my prayers. Hope they can give you the meds you need to get the numbers where you need them..
Love Ya
Your faith astounds me too. You SHINE, girlfriend. I'm praying for you, as always.
You must be very tired!! I know that is how I found out about my thyroid problems. Those numbers are incredibly high!! i would think that your doctor would get on the ball quickly. I am praying for you.
Keeping you in prayer!
Praying for you and your doctors. Take good care of yourself and know that you are loved by God and all of us.
It's been a while since I visited. So sorry to hear about the health problems! Hope the doctor gets it under control soon. Sending hugs and prayers!
Path to Health
Hi Denise. I noticed you didn't participate in Thankful Thursday last week and I wondered what happened to you. I am so accustomed to you being my first comment!! You've been on my heart since then and I decided to head over and check on you. I am so sorry to hear you are so ill!!
Your faithfulness is always amazing to me. I love how you channel so much passion into blogging for Jesus. You're an inspiration for the rest of us, most certainly.
Please know that I am praying for you. I'm sorry it took me so long to get over here and discover why you were gone last Thursday but you have been on my heart.
Take care my friend. I hope to see you tomorrow!
I hope your doctor finds just the right meds to get these high numbers under control. Most of all, I hope you are feeling much better very soon! I will keep you in my prayers.
Tina's Odds & Ends
Denise, you seem to deal with all of this with such grace, you make me think twice before complaining. Keeping you in my prayers.
Hi Sis. I see you... I love you. So , you matter. You need to matter to you.
Please let me know if your doc does change your meds. You are such a true-blue trooper..my heart and prayers go to you today and every day! I love you very much like the little sis I never had. Praying that you will feel better very soon! Love ya bunches, Sonya
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