Question 1(More of a fill in the blank..) I wish my hair__________. I wish my hair was not thinning on top due to my thyroid problems. Question 2)Someone you miss? I miss my momma so very much, I still cannot believe she is gone. Question 3)What's your favorite comfort food? Dove chocolate Bonus Questions Question 4)In your opinion what are some of the qualities that make a person a "best" friend? A best friend is someone you can be yourself with, they love you unconditionally. Question 5) What is one area that you struggle with in the wife arena? I am sure there is more than one, may God always help me to improve in this area of my life.
My hair is also thinning badly, especially on the top. I wonder if it could be my thyroid since I have trouble with weight gain for no reason and now the thinning hair. I always thought it was from stress. It started when I was in the accident in '88. I'm going to get my doctor to check out my thyroid, as my daughter has thyroid problems.
Karen just sent me a sweet picture of Sarah graduating from college on her e-mail on her phone deal, I don't know how to get it off the email and move it to my blog and post it!!! or it would be there!!
I hope you are having a good day!!
Love and Hugs, Grams
I wish I could have longer hair. I get bad head aches when I try to grow it out.
I miss my uncle so very much. We lost him to Lougering's a couple months ago. I didn't get to see him his last year alive. (my dads brother)I wish I could of had one more talk with him.
You would think someone my size would have an answer for a comfort food. LOL But, I don't have one. I'm not into candy or cookies. I have to really want ice cream before I'll eat it. Guess I don't have a comfort food.
A best friend is someone who is there when you need them. Not just when they need you. Someone you can tell anything to and they will not judge.
I struggle with a lot in the wife department. But, I'm praying thru it.
Hey Denise,
Hope all is well with you. You are in my prayers.
Love Ya Tons my friend
I guess we will always use some work in the wife area. I just want to love my hubby the way God wants me to
Comfort food?
Fried chicken and mashed potatoes.And of course fresh bread with butter is good too.
I spent too many years trying to be what others wanted me to be when it came to friendship.Now I just want to be myself. If they like me good--if not--sorry. I'll try to love ya anyway. :)
Great answers. Thanks again for participating, and I hope that you feel better... Blessings...
Denise, Do you take a generic medication for thyroid?
I also have a thyroid problem. And when they switched my meds to generic, began losing hair, I quickly changed back, and kept my hair.
Just a thought to consider!
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