Well, Christmas is only 23 days away, can you believe that? Have you got all your shopping done, any gifts wrapped yet? Eddie and I have decided not to buy gifts for each other this year, I told him there was nothing that I needed. I have all I could ever want, a precious Saviour that watches over me daily, a loving husband that blesses my life constantly, friends that are so amazingly awesome to me. What else could I possibly need? I do not want to be a receiver, I want to be a giver. I am far from rich, so I am not able to give much as far as monetary giving goes. But, I am wealthy when it comes to love, thanks to my heavenly Father, and the rich vastness of His love to me. Hurting and pain, do not stop just because it is the holiday season. This time of the year can be so painful for so many people. There are people in the world that have no family to share the holiday with due to death, or family conflicts. Some of my dearest friends are dealing with major heartaches right now, they are feeling lost and alone. Instead of wondering what gifts you may possibly be getting this year, why not be a gift? Give yourself away, wrap your heart up, and let someone enjoy unwrapping the beauty that is within a loving, caring heart. Give your prayers, hugs, love, and time away to those in desperate need of a little human kindness. Make this a Christmas to remember. Bless you all.
You are such a giving person - and recieving love is the best gift of all.
What a beautiful devo for today and this Christmas season! You have hit the nail on the head for sure!
You write from the heart! Love and Hugs Carolyn
It will be so nice one day to know that all pain will be over. We will walk in perfection at last.
There are many people hurting. I have just been to two blogs where the women are having their hearts broken.
I pray that the gift they receive this year will be the closeness of His presence and love.
I have to tell you Denise after this year working with Hospice.. I don't need anything...
we have so much... STUFF... and then when it comes time to meet our Savior... we can't take it with us... someone has to deal with all that...
so, I told my husband.. I don't want for anything...
I want to give to others...
I'm there with ya girlfriend
I want my daddy as long as God will let me have him...
I want my children as long as God will give them to me...
and my beloved...
I love you precious
Most of us collect too much stuff that we don't need. When hubby and I do buy gifts for each other, we try to be sure it's something useful that we need. Last year we bought the new door for the front of the house. That was a real treat, as we never expected to have such a beautiful door. The year before, it was clothes. This year, a vacation. So, we try to pick and choose something that we will both enjoy and that is not frivolous.
I love giving myself as a gift at Christmas. I will go help someone decorate their home and come back to help undecorate. I'll go help back cookies too. It is something they really need help with but I think the time together is so much more important.
You are a wonderful woman and a true inspiration to me!
Denise, thank you for being a present for me to unwrap throughout this year. I have only "known" you since April, when I started blogging, but my life is so much richer with Shortybear's Place in it. God bless you and your precious husband this time of year and always, and, always email me if you would like any specific prayer. gretchenDOThannaATcomcastDOTnet
You are a gift to each of us that visit Shortybear's Place. You inspire us to pray and reach out to each other. It is always a blessing for me each time that I visit. You are definitely a gift for each visitor or friend alike. God is using your life events to help brothers and sisters in Christ lift you up in prayer and spirit. You are a precious and dear friend. God has blessed us by way of the computer. Eventhough we are not close by to speak and hug....we are close thanks to his blessings.
It is my prayer that your other test results will be fine. It maybe that your medicine may have to be changed. I am sure that God will guide your doctor because he has his hand on you every second.
Hugs and Love,
You are such a wonderful blessing to me, my friend. I will have a happier Christmas this year because of the love that you have shown me. I haven't known you long but that doesn't matter. We pray for you everyday and love you as one of our own. Bless you this Christmas, my friend,
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