Hello all my beautiful friends, I am home from the hospital. I have missed you all very much. I pray that you are all doing well. I did not get to have my angiogram done on Tuesday, my blood sugar shot up to almost 700. I had to be admitted to the hospital, and they were working on getting my diabetes regulated. They tested my blood sugars for the last three months which is a test called hbc1, it is suppose to be 4-7, mine is 17.3. So, my diabetes is dangerously out of control. My ldl cholesterol is suppose to be 70 or under, mine is 272. They did the angiogram on Thursday, I have blockages in the front, and back of my heart, but my Doctor decided not to do anything at this time due to the condition of my diabetes. He is going to keep a close eye on my heart. Thanks for all your prayers, I love you all very much.
I have having the hibby jibby fit wondering what was going on... tell Eddie not to leave us in suspense this long.. smile..
I'm glad you are ok....
I love you and have been praying
Oh my!! I am continuing my prayers for you. I missed you! Sending lots of
((HUGS)) and love your way!
I have been trying to find out how you were and if you were still in the hospital. i found out from Donetta that you were there. I am glad that you are at home. Please let us know how you are...keep us informed...I know so many are still praying.
I'm so grateful for the update! Denise, what are things you can do to regulate your diabetes?
I am praying for you, sweet friend. I'm so sorry you're going through this but I am praising God that you are back home.
Much love~
I am so relieved you are home. Praying our Lord will get your sugar levels under control and you will be able to have you heart surgery. You are such a precious person with so much positive in your heart. That is our Lord gleaming through you! Love you bunches! Sonya
I thought about you on our trip! In fact on Thursday we were in Nashville and Kelly said, Isn't Friday the day Denise has to go to the hospital? We should pray for her!!
I am so sorry to hear that your diabetes is in a mess!! We will be praying that it gets back under control..... I know how hard that can be.... I will pray for your heart too..... I missed you while we were gone!! I am really tired today and can't visit everyone that I want to!!
You will be on my heart and in my prayers for sure!!
LOVE and Hugs Grams xxoox
I tried to leave messages twice while you were gone and kept getting an error message.
So glad you are back and in one piece. I will keep praying and love ya girl.
Well...Welcome home girl. I have been looking so forward to hearing from you . I left messages but with our time difference and trying to catch Eddie between work and hospital it has been silent on your front. Wow got some good smile this morning when I saw the email notice of comments on the blog. You sweet heart. I am so glad your home Now goodness these numbers got to get corrected! Goodness sakes girl . I want you to get better :)
Thanks for the update, even though I don't like the sound of it. Take good care of yourself, my love. Praying. xxxooogretchen
I'm glad to see that you are finally home, I missed you. I'll be praying that the Lord will guide the doctors to a solution. We know that the Lord is more than capable.
I was wondering where you've been...and getting a bit worried. Glad you are back home now. Now, you listen to your doctor, and do what he tells you, hear? I miss you too much when you are gone for a couple days. Take good care!!
missed you too
I pray that God may be with you and get your diabetes under control
you are very much in my thoughts and prayers
Lifting a prayer. Glad you are home. Hang in there and keep your eyes on Jesus! :)
Oh dear! Praying that you get your diabetes regulated quickly and then are able to have the angiogram!
So glad you are back on line. But so sorry to hear about all the medical problems. None of it sounds good.
I know unsolicited advise is not the best thing but I would like to encourage you to add chiropractic to your care. Not the typical, go to the doc, cause you have a ache or pain but, a chiropractor that deals with long term benefits from staying aligned. I bet you have nerves that are being compromised. I am adding a link to the Chiropractor I go to so you can get a better idea of what I am talking about. Forgive the budinski in me but it really is out of a belief that it could help in the long run.
Glad you are home.
Wow, Oh Denise,
Lord, our Great Physician, I am asking for a miraculous healing in Denise's health. Lord, direct her physicians and give Denise the courage and strength to make changes to aid in her healing. In Jesus name, Amen.
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