Are you ever afraid of what people might think if you say, or do a certain thing? Are you afraid to try new things for fear of failing? Have you ever been apprehensive about witnessing to someone, because you are unsure how they will react? Well, it is time for you to set aside your fears, fear is that voice in your head saying, "you cannot do this, you will fail", that voice is straight from hell, it belongs to satan. You need to stop listening to that voice, listen to the voice that says fear not, whose love cast out fear. Put on the full armour of God, and be ready for battle everyday. There is no need for fear, God is walking with you my friend. Be brave, and courageous, the victory will be yours.
Dear Denise,
Thank you for this great reminder and it is so true. Have a wonderful day my friend I sent you something and it got send back as I left one letter off. Will send again...LOL
Angel (D.)
Wow!! That was good!! I do worry sometimes about what people are thinking!! and get all upset that I said or did the wrong thing! I will say I am a lot better about this then I used to be!! But I have to keep prayed up about it or I get all worked up real quick. You have the best post to bless a person with!!
Wonderful advice!! FEAR comes from the devil for sure! He is always trying to set us up for some sort of failure!! Thanks for reminding us once again. Sandy
I am a child of the creator of the universe who sent his perfect son to die for me. His perfect work on the cross completely justified me in the eyes of the father. Our God is now able to accept us. Satan can be a pebble in our shoes but I do not fear him. You are so right - there is no need for fear.
But as Paul said, there are things I do that I shouldn't, and I don't do things that I should! Because we are human and still sinful, we are capable of fear. Throw depression into that mix and it can create a time of the blues now and again. I think God that he wraps me in his loving arms for now and eternity!
I can become fearful in certain situations to speak up. As I grow older, however, I find I can't help but to tell people the truth.
Great Post! Love you, me
Thanks for the reminder that fear is not from God, but the devil.
"the victory will be yours"... you don't have any idea what this means to me. i'm praying that my husband and i will be victorious in this battle we're facing. thank you for this reminder. God bless you.
"Are you ever afraid of what people might think if you say, or do a certain thing?"
its taken me years to get over this
I had a mother who was very bad at this
I got to the point where I decided people needed to accept me for who I am
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