Thursday, May 3, 2007

Kidney Test Results

For several months, my Doctor has been doing random urine tests on me. They have come back each time showing that I was leaking protein. Yesterday morning, she did a test on my first morning urine. She called me late this afternoon with the test result. I have chronic kidney disease, I am definitely leaking protein. There is no way to reverse the damage to my kidneys, or make them better. But, I am ok with this news, because my God is in control of my body, and my life. He is my true physician, and a mighty healer. I am leaning on His everlasting arms, and His sweet love. Eddie is not taking this very well, he was so upset. He said, it is not fair that all of this is happening to me, bless his heart. I told him that everything is going to be fine, God does not put more on us than we can bear, and He is with me through everything. Here is a little bit of information about kidneys.
When kidneys are working well, the tiny filters in your kidneys, the glomeruli, keep protein inside your body. You need the protein to stay healthy.
High blood glucose and high blood pressure damage the kidneys’ filters. When the kidneys are damaged, the protein leaks out of the kidneys into the urine. Damaged kidneys do not do a good job of cleaning out waste and extra fluids. Waste and fluids build up in your blood instead of leaving the body in urine.
Kidney damage begins long before you notice any symptoms. An early sign of kidney damage is when your kidneys leak small amounts of a protein called albumin (al-BYOO-min) into the urine. But the only way to know about this leakage is to have your urine tested.
With more damage, the kidneys leak more and more protein. This problem is called proteinuria (PRO-tee-NOOR-ee-uh). More and more wastes build up in the blood. This damage gets worse until the kidneys fail.
Diabetic nephropathy (neh-FROP-uh-thee) is the medical term for kidney problems caused by diabetes. Nephropathy affects both kidneys at the same time.


Gretchen said...

Hi, I hopped over from Lisa's study. I'd like to pray for you...

Lord, I lift up Denise to you and ask that you would perform the miracle of bringing her back to perfect health, if it be your will. If this is not Your will, I continue to commit her to Your care and ask that you would provide comfort, joy, and peace as she works through this disease. In Your holy, precious name I pray, Amen.

Denise said...

I don't even know what to say. I'll be holding you up in prayer.

Allison said...

I stand in agreement with all of the above. My sweet friend, your heart is so strong in the Lord it amazes me...Matthew 19:26 - With God ALL things are possible!

Sharon said...

You are an encourager, dear friend.

Heavenly Father,
I ask that you would touch Denise's body right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Your Word says that, "by His stripes we are healed". Father, give Eddie peace in knowing that You are in control of the whole situation and know what is best. Thy Will be done in earth as it is in Heaven.
In Jesus Christ's Name,

Crystal said...

prayering for you my friend!

Anonymous said...

Dear Denise,

While I am sad that your kidneys are not working the way they should, I am rejoicing in your great faith. How blessed I have been since I met you, you have shown me that a great love for the LORD can bring light to any situation. My prayers are with you.

Unashamed said...

Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I can only pray.

Grandparents Corner said...

Denise, I hope you and Eddie are feeling all the prayers and they will continue. You're such a dear friend and encourager. God is using you mightily. I love you, Bonnie

Anonymous said...

Oh Denise I am sori
My prayers are with you my dear friend

eph2810 said...

Oh dear - that is not good news at all. Will you have to go on dialysis if this gets really bad?

Praying for you and yours.

Debbie said...

Denise, we know God is in control and He makes NO mistakes! I am praying for healing in Jesus' name and looking for the dr. to be baffled! You know, this is the kind of God that we serve!

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dearest Denise,
I am praying for you Health and healing in the name of Jesus as you are his child and according to his will. You are such a sweet precious , loving encouraging friend. I will be there for you my friend, to laugh with, vent to , pray with and be friends. I am so glad you are in my life. I am so sorry you are facing all this right now but am so glad you have the Lord and faith with you every step of the way. Please forgive me being late in getting over here we had a hectic weekend. Love ,prayers and hugs to you .


Angel ( D.)