Tuesday, May 1, 2007

In Other Words Tuesday

“By perseverance the snail reached the ark.”~ Charles Spurgeon My sweet friends, I know that life can really be hard on you sometimes, and you may feel that the easiest thing for you to do, is just quit this race that you are running. I can truly understand how you may feel, I feel like I have been running up one hill after another for over a year now. First my Mother passed away, then my battle with depression, then my problems with my eyes,diabetes, and thyroid. But, I refuse to quit running my race, and go sit in the corner in ashes. I am running toward the prize, and I may not be the fastest runner in the race, as a matter of fact, I am probably just as slow as the snail, but by perseverance, and the grace of God, I will reach the finish line one day, and there, waiting for me, will be my precious Saviour. He will wrap me in His arms, and say the words that my heart longs to hear, well done my faithful servant, well done. So, please do not give up my friends, when times get tough, God is always tougher. Run the course set before you, your Saviour is waiting for you, with arms wide open.


Believer said...

Amen! What an encouraging message for those who are weary.

"Pearls of wisdom...a heavenly voice."

eph2810 said...

I love how you have put it "when times get though, god is always tougher". Believe, I praise Him daily for that :)

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this week's IOW quote.

Blessings to your Tuesday and always.

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Denise,
Thank you so much what an inspiring post! You are right we must keep going to race towards our Saviour. You are so inspiring. I am sorry for the troubles you have faced also but know the Lord is with you every step of the way. He and I love you.

Blessings my sweet friend.

In his endless love,


Miriam Pauline said...

"but I refuse to quit running the race"--the perfect definition of perseverence. Thank you for sharing and bless you and you stay the course!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Believe, Trust, Obey that is what HE wants us to do in all situations!! What a great post for today. I have a friend that is struggling with cancer. I sent this great post onto her. I am hoping it will help her. Sandy

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

You define perseverance, Denise! Wonderful and inspiring post!

Sharon Brumfield said...

Amen! Thank you for this.My head has been tempted to give up--my heart says----NO WAY!
I tell my girls, Keep walking--sometimes I have to tell myself the same.
Never, never, never--give up.

Rachelle said...

"I have been running up one hill after another..." Yes, that's perseverance all right. God bless you and may you continue to persevere in HIS strength!

Crystal said...

Thanks so much for sharing Denise...it's always so encouraging to see how you struggle on...

Anonymous said...

Dear Denise,

My little shining light in the blogosphere! I know the Lord sees your wonderful posts and that when He thinks of you, His heart smiles. Big Hugs..

Nise' said...

Denise, you minister to my heart! You inspire me to never give up, if you are hanging in there then I can too! God Bless You!

Gina Conroy said...


Bonnie W said...

Jesus never said we had to rush to the finish line - just pace ourselves to get there. Keep on pacing yourself, Denise - I know you'll make it! Thanks for an inspiring post.

Hopeful Spirit said...

Beautiful! I wish you the best with all the challenges you are facing. You will overcome because you have a wonderful attitude and are focused!

Bernadine said...

I'm glad you've decided not to quit running your race Denise. I know you're going to make it through with God on your side.
God bless.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, very uplifting and encouraging. God Bless.