Friday, May 4, 2007

Father Time

Today, I crawled up in my Fathers lap for some comfort time. As He gently rocked me in His loving arms, I poured my heart out to Him. I shared my feelings, and my fears, about how this week had went. I asked Him to please watch over Eddie, and to heal him of bells palsy, if it be His will. I told Him how very much I loved Him, and that whatever He wants me to do, I am willing to do. He pulled me close, and whispered in my ear, these words that I needed to hear. Fear not, I am with you always my dear child. I love You Father, thanks for the blessed assurance that You are always with me.


Grandparents Corner said...

I've read of another person being healed of bells palsy. Both of you need to know I'm praying for you and lifting you up many times to God in prayer and will continue. Love, hugs, and prayers! Thanks for all your encouragement, love and prayers daily.

Anonymous said...

Hi Denise, you have my prayers and I am so glad The Father has given you such comfort and peace. I am diabetic and a nurse so I understand all about Kidney failure. I have to be tested frequently myself and God has blessed me with good health. I seem to be having some gastro problems though and am going to be tested for Diverticulitis. I certainly pray that whatever the outcome I have the same comfort, reassurance and peace which I know our Father will give. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a wonderful time with our Heavenly Father
Im praying for you

Gretchen said...

Your faith blesses and encourages me so. I'm so glad that the Father blesses and encourages you.

eph2810 said...

You are always such an encouragement to others. I had a really rough week myself and I am close to tears today...
Thank you for giving me the encouragement I needed today.

Debbie said...

Peace, peace, wonderful peace. Sending love your way!