Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Am:Lesson Three- When Life Doesn't Work Out Like You Planned-Part One

Discussion Questions:
1. It was stated in the Lesson that God has made you "once, twice, three times a lady." Where are you in this progression? Obviously we have all been physically born, but are you 'twice a lady'? Have you been born again spiritually? This may be a private matter you'd like to discuss confidentially. If so, email me. If you have already received this gift, write a brief prayer of thanksgiving or testimony. Thank You sweet Lord for the precious gift of my salvation. I am so grateful to be Your daughter, it is an honor. I love You with all that I am.
2. Are you three times a lady? Has God given you a stirring deep within your Spirit to be a 'deliverer'? Do you have a desire or are you already meeting a need in the life of the church, a particular ministry (such as jail ministry, food ministry, etc.) or perhaps individuals who share common issues? I have been a Sunday school teacher, children's church worker, church camp counselor, youth group leader, helping hands director. My desire is to work with those that are grieving.
3. Do you ever get tired of waiting for that opportunity to do something
worthwhile for God? Do you ever feel God is using someone else instead of you?Of course, I think we all sometimes feel this way.
4. What do you consider 'worthwhile ministry'? Are you like me and sometimes find yourself mistakenly thinking it has to be Big to be Important?Whatever God calls me to do, I will heed His call.
5. Have you ever taken a spiritual gifts test? If yes, what are yours? If no, here's a good one from Ephesians 4 Ministry. Will you take it and come back with a response? Knowing some of you like I already do, I can almost pick out what your gift is before you say it. I can't wait to see if I'm right!I have taken the test, it said my gifts are:evangelism,exhortation,faith,helps,teaching, and mercy.


Nise' said...

So touched that you want to work with the grieving. This is an area where so many people shy away from because they just don't know what to say or do! Thanks for sharing today!

Anonymous said...

wow youve done heaps of things at church
i love these studies

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Hi Denise!

I'm so glad you are a part of this group! I loved that you minister to the grieving. You are a prime example of sharing in the light what you've learned in the dark.

Many blessings on you!!


Gretchen said...

Your absolute maturity and surrender to Christ is amazing to me. I can feel your calm, gentle spirit.

Miriam Pauline said...

I did some of my training in grief work. I am thankful that God calls people to that work. Bless you!

Deedra said...

Bless you for all the work you are doing. God is using you in such a wonderful way. I enjoyed reading your answers.