Sunday, April 29, 2007

Beautiful day

It has been a beautiful day at the Oldham home today, and I thank You for giving it to us Lord. We went to a place called the Chattanooga Market, it is an open air fresh fruit and vegetable market. They sell delicious fresh fruit &vegetables,crafts, and have live christian, and country music. It was so much fun walking around, and watching people as they actually made the crafts. We bought some tomatoes, watermelon, okra, apples, honeydew. After we left there, we took our picnic lunch, and went to the park. We ate, then walked the pedestrian bridge. It was so wonderful to be out in the sunshine with my wonderful husband. I hope you all had a lovely day, blessings to you all.


eph2810 said...

Sounds like the perfect day for me to spend like you have. I have been catching up with house work and things that need tended to...I am getting there -- I hope :)

Blessings to your Sunday evening and always.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dear Denise,

I am glad to hear you had such a sweet day.. I went to the zoo. I have the pictures on my site. Blessings and Hugs...

Denise said...

Isn't it wonderfull when you get the chance to have one of those slow easy days with your husband? I just love those.

Grandparents Corner said...

Wow, what a wonderful day you spent with your hubby. We've had a non-stop weekend and are hoping for rest now. Thank you for your blessings to me. I love you dear friend! **hugs**

Pearls of Wisdom said...

What a wonderful day you had. I am so glad for you. I love markets too.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

how wonderful sounding market
sounds like an awesome day

Believer said...

There's nothing more beautiful than a married couple who is still in love!

"Pearls of wisdom...a heavenly voice."