Wednesday, April 25, 2007

About My Doctors Appointment

Hello my sweet bloggie friends, praying that you are all doing well. Well, Eddie took the day off yesterday, to take me to my Doctors appointment. I am now legally blind, so I cannot drive. The appointment was with my Endocrinologist, she treats my diabetes, and thyroid problems. She did blood work to test my thyroid, diabetes, and to see how much kidney damage I have. She has scheduled an appointment for me the last week in August with a cardiologist, she wants the arteries in my neck, and heart checked. I already have a twenty percent blockage in the front of my heart, she thinks it may have gotten worse. She is also concerned about the arteries in my neck possibly having a blockage. Recently, my hair has really started thinning on the top, and my eyebrows are almost totally gone. She said, she thinks that is due to my out of control thyroid, but she is running tests to make sure. Did I feel discouraged after this appointment? Of course I did, I"m only human. But, my down mood did not last long, all I had to do, was talk to my Saviour. He wrapped His loving arms around me, and told me to rest securely in His arms. So, that is what I am going to do. I love you all.


Sharon said...

I am putting you on my prayer list a second time and in my prayers for good, Sweetie! You just hold on to Jesus' Hand! He will never fail you. Love you dear friend!

Grandparents Corner said...

Denise, you have been the most loving and caring person and listened to me complain about tiny little things I'm going through when you are going through this. I'm so sorry. How could I ever stay down after reading the inspirations you write here daily. You encourage me so much. I only hope I can encourage you and lift you up as much as you have me. You are in my heart and prayers.

Anonymous said...

how do you get on using the computer since you are blind?

Praise the Lord and your faith is amazing

I praying for you my friend

eph2810 said...

I am praying for you. I am so sorry to read that your health continues to decline.

Blessings to you and yours, my sweet friend.

All 4 My Gals said...

I found you through CWO blog of the month, and wanted you to know you have touched me today. You are in my prayers and I am so glad that you have Jesus' hand to hold through this!

Janis Rodgers said...

Praying for you, Denise. God is going to be with you during this journey. Blessings to you!

Crystal said...

I am praying for you....God is faithful and He will see you through this.....I've seem some really HOT women who were just be one of them :o))

Anonymous said...

Oh Denise,

I am holding your up... Your life is a powerful witness for me. Thank you.