Wednesday, March 2, 2016

My Fur Baby Coco

We adopted our precious fur baby from a shelter, I named her Coco Maria Oldham. Coco because of her color. Her birthday is on our wedding anniversary, April 6th. She will be four years old this year. She is mostly pit bull, with a little bit of lab mixed in. A lot of people are afraid of pit bulls, and think pit bulls are mean dogs. Believe me, that is not true of Coco. She is just a big baby, fifty pounds of baby. She is afraid of thunder, lightening, rain, sirens, and fire crackers. She will start shaking, whining, and hiding, if she hears any of those things. Her vet actually prescribed xnax for her, poor baby. I love her beyond measure, would be totally lost without her. She is definitely my faithful, loyal companion. I call her my nurse. Whenever I am not feeling well, which is quite often, she does not leave my side. If I am in bed, she lays right by my side. She will not leave, unless I get up, then she follows me, room, to room. When I take a bath, or shower, she lays beside the bathtub, until I am finished. When I am in the living room sitting in my recliner, she lays right beside me. When I get ready to get out of my recliner, because of my legs and feet, I cannot get up by myself. I will look at her, and say, Coco, help momma get up. She will jump down, get in front of my recliner, stand up with her paws on the foot rest, and push it down. Then, she waits for me to get up. She leads me to the bathroom. At night, when I am ready for bed, I look at her and say, you want to go to bed? Her ears perk up, and she keeps turning her head from side to side. Then, I say, take me to bed, take momma to bed. She gets down, and leads me to bed. If I am in another room, and need my husband, I look at her, and say go get pappa. She runs to whatever room he is in, and starts barking, and he comes to see what I need. Of course, she is also my play buddy. We play fetch with her toys, wrestle all over the place, and she loves to dance, and likes for me to sing to her. my Coco is one in a million.


Lisa in Texas = ) said...

It's amazing what all you have taught Coco to do! That is awesome how very helpful she is!
Have a great day! Lisa :O)

Paula said...

Nice pictures!

Christine said...

One in a million for sure! She is so special & I'm glad she loves you so much!

GranthamLynn said...

Awe. I call Daisy a velcro dog. I think Coco is too!

Joyful said...

Coco is such a loving and faithful companion and such a good helper too. You are blessed to have her and she to have you.xx

Peggy said...

CoCo sure is the one in a million just for you, Denise!!! So glad you have each other and she takes such good care of you. She's so smart and helpful. Thank you for sharing Coco and her sweet photos and how special she is. She loves you so much just like you love her. What a match made in heaven. I'm so thankful that you two have each other! Bless you and bless Coco for lovin' you and caring for you. I feel a whole lot better knowing she's there with you and trained so well.

Thanks Coco!!! Love you so much Denise and Coco!

BumbleBeeLane said...

They truly are family. They love unconditional.I think it's the type of people who raise Pits not the breed.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Wendy said...

Aww she's gorgeous :)

Annesphamily said...

COco is a sweetheart and she is a good companion for you and a terrific helper. ALways my pleasure to stop here and say hello my friend. Hugs, Anne

Alecia Simersky said...

Coco has been a special friend sent from God himself, I believe. Coco is one way God is showing you how much you are loved. Can't believe she is going to be 4 soon!

Celestina Marie said...

Coco is a darling fur baby. Love these photos. Makes me miss my Miss Beazy~~
Have a great weekend. Blessings xo

Hootin Anni said...

I apologize for taking so long to come by and visit. It's been a busy week, and I'm up early to sit at the computer today before another day begins and I won't have much time!! Thanks for dropping by this week.

What a doll that Coco is!! She's smart as a whip, and I love the fact she tends to your every need.

suzy mae said...

She's beautiful :)

LeAnn said...

The photos are so cute. I loved hearing more about you fur baby Coco. I can see that she is an incredible dog. I am so happy she is there to watch over you. Love and hugs for the two of you!