Friday, February 5, 2016

Favorite Things Friday


Hootin Anni said...

Except for the coke....I too LOVE all your list. Oh those turtles....yum.

Stephanie said...

Mmmm... cinnamon rolls sound good right now with a cup of hot coffee {{smiles}} Have a blessed weekend, dear Denise! Hugs and love to you!

Celestina Marie said...

Fun post of favorite things. Have a nice weekend. Blessings, xo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those look like some yummy favorites you have!

LeAnn said...

Liked your pictures of favorite things. Does the sleep time stuff work? You do come up with creative things to blog about. Sending hugs your way and prayers too.

Ceil said...

Hi Denise! Oh, we'd have a grand time with those Grands, and the Turtles! Two of my favorites, and the reason I'm always fighting my weight too!
Have a blessed Sunday,

GranthamLynn said...

Fun post. Make mine Dr. Pepper. I want to try that tea!
Have a good week.

Farida said...

I love cinnabon too and would add dark chocolates :)

Paula said...

How well does the SleepyTime work?? Love your favorites