Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Counting Our Blessings

  1. My bruises from my recent fall, have all faded away. 2.We have not had any really
    bad weather here in Chattanooga. 3.My fur baby Coco, does not have a cold any more. 4. I am enjoying my new Bible Study, learning about the different types of love. 5.I am truly blessed with such wonderful Doctors. 6. I still have my vision, even though, in my left eye, the vision is getting worse, and worse. 7. I can walk, even though, I am back to having to use a wheelchair when I go out.  8. I am alive, praise God. 9. Counting my blessings, is a true honor. 10. I am blessed to be an American.


Blogoratti said...

Hang in there and best wishes!

Peggy said...

Praise God! Bruises gone and Coco's well and ALL the other wonderful blessings that you seem to find as a silver lining in your many clouds of 'storms'. I left a comment on your videos at YouTube and then it dawned on me that you probably posted on your blog. Such a delight! Always love to see and hear from you. I love you so much! Thanks for your love and prayers ... it's a blessing just to know you this way. May God shower you and your household with many blessings!

Love and hugs ~Peggy

White Lace and Promises said...

The joy of counting our blessings! Glad you are better! You are awesome and such an inspiration! No snow in Chatty? I couldn't believe it yesterday when I looked out the window and there was snow! Still falling today but not sticking to the roads yet!

April said...

Sounds like you have much to be thankful for! :)

GranthamLynn said...

Wonderful blessings. Sweet background.

LeAnn said...

I love your grateful heart! You are such a great example of enduring and just continuing on spreading good words and works.
Blessings and hugs for you!

Joyful said...

Amen. xx