Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My Daybook

Outside my window... It continues to drizzle rain, gloomy day.

I am thinking... In 12 days, I will be walking in the heart, and stroke walk.

I am thankful that... We put Christmas gifts in layaway Saturday.
From the kitchen... Pork Chops, Cornbread, Sweet Peas, Carrots, and Cheesy Potatoes.

I am wearing... Blue Jeans, and a gray sweat shirt.

I am creating...  A journal, and a Planner.

I am going...To see my counselor this week.

I am reading... My Bible.

I am hoping... That my toe, heals quickly.

I am learning...To try to put myself first sometimes, instead, of always last.

I am planning... To continue on, with project me.

I am hearing... Coco breathing, she is laying in my lap.
Around the apartment... 
  • Need to call our landlord in the morning, our freezer is not working right.
  • Need to take some things to Goodwill.
  • Need to make a few phone calls tomorrow.
  • Need to get my cell phone upgraded, the volume is totally messed up.

One of my favorite things...  The beautiful fall colors.

A Favorite Quote for Today...

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week... 
  • Go to post office, and mail the books to the winner, of my recent book giveaway.
  • Go to my appointment with my counselor.
  • Go to Church on Wednesday.
  • Go Saturday, and put the kids toys in layaway.


~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

Hello, dear friend!
I just wanted to compliment you on how beautiful your blog looks. I can really tell how much thought you have put into it and it is a delight to visit!
Love you ((hugs)) and God bless! ~Lisa~

Suburban Girl said...

I like your thank you reminder.

Jeanette Levellie said...

I hope your toe heals, too, and aren't counselors great?

Many fall blessings,

LeAnn said...

Always love reading your Daybook entry. Your dinner looks delicious. I wish I had my Christmas shopping done; it will be simple this year. I think it is perfect for you to put some of your needs first; you need to take care of you. I am still praying for your improved health so that you can do the walk.
Sending extra loving thoughts your way!

Saleslady371 said...

It is a dreary day here too and raining, but I like it. Your goals inspire me and I, too, am praying that your toe heals and quickly! Love you.

Inger said...

It's lovely to hear you sounding so positive. It sounds like things are working better for you and for that I'm glad. Thank you so much for your kind comments.

GranthamLynn said...

Oh did you find a church?
I enjoyed this post. I'm cooking potato soup and BLT's. Was planning on Chicken Fried Steak(with cream gravy..we're in Texas) But the poor Cowboy had to work 2 to 10 tonight. So cooking simple for him.
Your day book is fun. I am journaling also. I used to and quit when I started working. I wish I could stay home again!
Well have a good week. XXOO.

KB said...

Sounds like a busy week. I hope your toe heals soon too x

Alecia Simersky said...

This song, just for you. I hope it blesses you. It's called "Healing is Here," by Deluge.


Misty said...

One of my favorite things.. Is fall too. It's as is somethings slow down, food taste better, laughing happens more often and the air is cooler. Blessings and love always from me to you.

Linda said...

Just stopping by to let you know I am thinking of you and praying for you. Love you, dear friend.

Sharon said...

What a lovely post, Denise. I especially loved the image of you and Coco curled up together. There is something so peaceful about listening to a dog breathe, isn't there?

Hoping and praying for healing. It's amazing how much trouble a toe can cause. I injured one several years ago, and it was one of the most painful experiences. Not to mention how difficult it made walking, and just about everything else. So, may the Lord heal you quickly.