Monday, September 23, 2013


Happy Monday everyone, wishing you all a very happy week. At the wedding Saturday night, the DJ, started playing the song by Shania Twain, Your Still The One. He said, all married couples come on the dance floor. So, I dragged lovebug out on to the dance floor with me. The one, and only time, he got out on the dance floor. Then, the DJ started saying anyone married less than a year, leave the dance floor. He continued doing this, until lovebug and I, and one other couple were the only ones left on the dance floor. The DJ laughed, and said, ok, I am going to start checking ID's in a minute. lol  Then, he asked the other couple how long they had been married, they said 29 years. Lovebug and I have been married for 28 years.  He said, everybody, this is a blessing, and what love looks like. Awwwww. I found out yesterday, that other couple,
were the brides aunt and uncle, and we were the grooms aunt and uncle. Here is another picture for sharing. A picture of the grooms family.


Anonymous said...

You win. Only 17 years here!

Covenant Grace said...

What a blessing! And, thanks for sharing your photos.

Chatty Crone said...

What a wonderful day! You have a beautiful family! sandie

LeAnn said...

How sweet that was! Being married for 28 and 29 years is awesome. I am sure it was a wonderful dance.
Loved the picture.

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

What a great photo!! So very glad you had a great time. I love hearing stories of couples staying together. My husband and I are behind you too- we celebrated 25 years in July.
Love~ Lisa :O)

Anonymous said...

27 years here :)

Anonymous said...

Awww..that was sweet on the dance floor. My hubby and I will celebrate next month 38 years. :)

Love the picture!!!

Joy said...

Wow. 28 years. Awesome. Me amd my hubby will be celebrating 23 years of marriage this year. And we are pretty much in love:)

Joyful said...

What a wonderful story and a great photo!

Saleslady371 said...

Beautiful photo! Love this story. I can just picture you two on the dance floor! What I love is the spiritual victory that was won over the months and how you two were honored for all to see! You are a victorious warrior!

Lisa Dreamchild said...

This brought tears to my eyes.

You looked so lovely by the way!
Blessings and love~ Lisa

Stephanie said...

So precious, Denise! What a blessing for you and your husband :) My sweet darling and I have been married for 6 1/2 years...I guess we're still newlyweds! Hugs to you!

Karen said...

28 years is wonderful, Denise! We will be married 25 years next January! I enjoyed seeing the wedding photos!

Celestina Marie said...

Beautiful photo of a special day.
Blessings to all~

YoSueño said...

Me alegro que te lo hayas pasado bien es un día maravilloso.Un ABRAZO

Ceil said...

HI Denise! I love that you got out on that dance floor with your husband. Missed being the longest married by one year, wow. Congrats to you!

Thank you for including the photo, it was so nice to have a little memory of the day you were looking forward too so much!

Dee said...

What a nice recognition for a lasting is like frosting on the cake to Gods renewal of your marriage lately. :)

Evanir said...

Nossa vida é feita de surpresas onde nossa missão é viver.
Alguns momentos podem durar tão pouco e
ficar na sua memória por muito tempo,
algumas pessoas podem fazer muito pouca
parte da sua vida e ser considerada pra sempre.
Eu imagino um dia em que todas as pessoas
tivessem o direito de ser feliz,
mesmo que seja só por um momento,
para ter a oportunidade de sentir o que realmente
desejam e acreditar que sonhos não são bobagens.
As vezes percebemos que as aparências enganam
e que podemos sofrer muito com isso.
O tempo é uma coisa que não
permite voltar para trás,
então vamos aproveitar para exercitar
nossa fé a cada segundo da nossa vida.
Levar sempre amor a unica palavra,
que poderia mover o mundo.
Ame o bastante para ficar gravado
na memória eternamente de cada amiga e
Um carinhoso beijo afagos na sua alma .
Amo vir a seu blog.

Laurie Collett said...

How lovely, and what a great blessing! God bless you and your family.

Bernadine said...

How lovely!

Farida said...

What a joyous celebration!

Cathy said...

Aw, that is sweet. Thanks for sharing that pretty picture. Love you

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Tender memories. So glad you have them in your heart.

Karen said...

That is so nice. What a great time you had!

Tam said...

Oh wow! That is such a beautiful story. How remarkable and certainly no coincidence that both the bride's and the groom's aunt and uncle were up there. 28 years. Yes. That is what love looks like. Especially since you two have been through so much together recently. This warmed my heart. :D

Denise said...

Sounds like a wonderful time :)

Denise said...

Sounds like a wonderful time :)

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful picture! How wonderful that you got to share this day with your husband (and niece, of course)!

Terra said...

Sweet story about two long marriages and you two were stars for the moment.