Saturday, September 14, 2013

Life Update

Hello my sweet friends, praying everyone is doing well. Just wanted to check in with an update of my life. Have you been liking my Bible study posts? Well, from now on, I will only be doing them on Sundays. I was also going to post about my exercise, but, right now, due to health problems, I am not able to exercise. As soon as I am able to exercise, will post about it. Well, my little man has his first soccer game today at 10 A.M. I really wanted to go, but lovebug had to work, and does not get home from work until 1:30 P.M. Little man's games will be every Saturday at 10 A.M. I cannot believe it, but next Saturday evening, September 21st at 6:30 P.M. My nephew Bryan will be getting married. So, today when lovebug gets home, we are going shopping. We both need something to wear to the wedding. I am going to Hamrick's, love that place. Also, trying to find someone that I can take my wig to, and they will put it on me, and style it. I got some eyebrow stencils from Sally's beauty supply, trying to figure them out. Of course, also make-up. Woo Hoo!! Please pray for me, I want to look nice for the wedding, do not want to embarrass him.


Alice said...

Have fun shopping!

Hootin Anni said... me, you're NOT an embarrassment! Wish I could go shopping with you. How fun.

Mom of 12 said...

Sounds like you have it all figured out! I don't love shopping for myself either, but I'm sure you will find something nice.

Karen said...

Congratulations on your nephew's wedding. I know you will enjoy the ceremony.

Anonymous said...

Denise, you will not embarress anyone! sigh~ Let your smile and warmth say it all! I have to do that...and pray that Christ shines more than me~ Love to you, and hope you find the right outfit! ♥♥♥

~Neverforsaken~Lisa Dreamchild said...

I am very excited for you Denise.
Sounds like so much fun even though I personally do not like shopping...this kind of shopping sounds like the beginning of a new start for you!
I cannot imagine you being an embarassment to your are such a bright and shining light in this dark world, hair or no hair!
My older sis did the brow thing as one of her best friends specializes in it...haven't seen her in over a year though, so don't know how it worked out for her.
~Blessings and love~ Lisa

Anonymous said...

All is well here. Good that things are more positive for you.

Cathy said...

You worry too much. You could never be an embarrassment. I know you will look beautiful. I pray you will feel better soon. Love and Hugs

Joyful said...

Sounds great that you are keeping happy, busy and have a wedding to look forward to. You will look beautiful because you are beautiful. Hugs.xx

Laurie Collett said...

Best wishes for the wedding! You are beautiful inside and out and will be a blessing to all who are at the wedding, as well as to all of us!
Love & prayers,

Chatty Crone said...

Have fun at the wedding and I hope you got some nice clothes.

Terra said...

You two will look so good in your new wedding clothes, and fun to get your wig styled.

Anonymous said...

have a great time...

Joy said...

It seems that life is getting better for you. What I mean is that you have something to look forward to.
Dont worry, you are going to be extra beautiful thatday:)

Pam Williams said...

Hope you had a fun and successful shopping trip, Denise!

Jeanette Levellie said...

Sounds lovely! I hope you can at least get to some of your grandson's games. They grow up so fast.

Wanda said...

I'm sure you will look nice Denise. Have a great week.

Tam said...

I am sure you won't embarrass him.

Ceil said...

Hi Denise! You will not be an embarrassment! Family is always loved and cherished, and I know you cherish your family members.

Maybe we could all get a picture of you in your new duds? Sounds like it will be a fun event. Blessings :)

Dee said...

I am sure your inner beauty will be shinning bright and make you even more beautiful...You do know you are very pretty!!!

Sharon said...

You will look beautiful, Denise. Especially when you smile that lovely smile that reflects your heart!


LeAnn said...

I am sure you will look beautiful for the wedding. It is something to look forward too. Have a wonderful time and I will look forward to an update on this one
Blessings and hugs!

YoSueño said...

Espero que te recuperes, y disfrutes de ese partido, animo.Un ABRAZO

Denise said...

Shopping will be good for You :) To be able to buy things to make a woman feel pretty I know is good for Me :)Will love to see photos.Dear Lord please bless the wedding day.Thank You for Your sweet compliment on My fair post.Hugs Denise

Parsley said...

Have a fab day, Denise.

enthusiastically, dawn said...

You are so beautiful, my friend. I am sorry I have not been visiting more. I have been trying to spend less time on the computer for Homeschool and hub. BUT making the rounds slowly...and you have been on my heart! SO I will pray that you have His joy and peace in the days ahead, and remember how much He loves you, and how beautiful He has made you...Love and hugs, Dawn