Friday, September 13, 2013

God-Who He is-Yahweh Nissi

The children of Israel were beginning to get the picture, God loved and cared for them. Yahweh Yireh would provide a lamb to take away their sin. Yahweh Rapha would bless their obedience with a measure of health. In the midst of a fierce battle, another facet of Yahweh's character was revealed. He insisted on having a holy people."You must be holy, because I, the Lord your God, am holy." God said. While Joshua fought with Amalek in the valley, Aaron and Hur went with Moses up to the top of a hill overlooking the battle. Moses had the rod of God, representing Yahweh's power, in his hand. When Moses held the staff high, Joshua and the Israelites prevailed, but when Moses' arm tired and he lowered the rod, the Amalekites prevailed. Eventually, Moses sat on a rock while Aaron and Hur supported his arms, and the battle was won. In this place, the power of God was displayed in defense of His people. The banner of victory was flown over the place of conflict, and Moses named the altar he built there Yahweh Nissi, "The Lord is my banner"  The Amalekites represent the selfish nature in all of us that God fights and puts to death. God has sworn that He "will be at war with Amalek generation after generation" Jehovah will not rest until we are holy, as He is holy. To overcome the selfishness that we all battle, we would do well to "raise our hands" in prayer. It is in prayer that we find strength for the battle. God is intent on giving us power to overcome. What fierce battle are you facing? What is God asking you to change in your life? What habit has you by the throat, and will not let you go? Yahweh Nissi  will help you win the battle.


Chatty Crone said...

Obedience is critical.

Chatty Crone said...

Obedience is critical.