
For my father, and my mother, have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in. Wow, this is so true in my life. From the very beginning of my conception, my parents did not want me, tried to abort me. But, the Lord, my true parent, had other plans for me. He saved me from the claws of satan, and death. He wanted me here for some reason. Through the years, I was abadoned many times by my family. My stepfather sexually abused me, mom did not believe me, so she kicked me out. The Judge said both of my parents were unfit, because they were living with, not married to people. So, the Judge gave custody of me to my sister. I lived with her three months, then she got upset because my dad quit paying child support. She kicked me out, so I had to move in with some people that lived down the street. They made me quit school, and go to work to pay them. Believe me, satan was running wild, trying to ruin my life in everyway possible. But, the Lord was there too. He took care of me every step along the way, He kept me safe, and alive. The only reason, I stayed alive, was because my Lord kept me that way. Never doubt the power of the Lord my friends, it is real. Prayer: Dear Lord, I have been abandoned, battered, bruised, abused, mistreated, thrown out to the world to make it on my own. But, because of You, I was truly never alone. You were there in the darkness, lighting my path with Your love, and comfort. Because of You, I was able to survive, and live to see another day. Praise for You will always pour forth from my lips. I love You Father. Amen.
Beautiful my friend beautiful. I have clung to that verse many times. My experience was not as bad as yours but still a sad one. I have found comfort in Jesus being my all in all It is truly only by his grace that you could endure so much and find healing. You are a wonderful lady. Thank you for your transparency I know it blesses many including me!
amen friend...indeed God is good and he loves you praying for you...thank you for being my friend...love you...
Bless your dear, sweet heart. You have really had a hard life. Thank God for always being there for you. Much Love and Hugs ~
I'm sorry you had such a hard childhood... I'm grateful God's been with you all the way!
Your faith is strong. It is so good to read about how you see the Lords hand in your life. He truly is mindful of each one of us and if we turn to HIM, he will make our trials a strengthening experience. HUGS and Blessings to you Sweetie.
Do you know anything about the Mormons?
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