Amen, I know this to be so very true. He was there at the beginning of my life, protecting me, and actually saving my life. I was an attempted abortion, my mother thought all the pills that the doctor had given her to abort me had worked, because she started bleeding heavily. But, God had other plans. A couple of months later, I started kicking. I made my presence known. My parents were in total shock, and not very happy. God is so amazingly awesome. From the moment of my conception, until today, He has never left me, nor forsaken me. I feel so safe, and secure in His loving hands. Actually, I do not have to look above when life gets hard, I just look beside me. He is always there, with His eyes watching my every move, ready, and willing, to help me at a moments notice.
A beautiful post. I know your testimony and your spirit helps many! Including me! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. I am at McDonalds for a few minutes. Thought I would post but I can't upload photo's! Bummer. I can't comment on your blog anymore on my phone. Did you change something? Have a beautiful day. Go Shorty Bear Go! Hugs, S.
I love this post this morning as I rejuvenate my spirit. Thank you for that lovely picture of Whose only hands saves, protects, comforts...etc...God bless you sis and always be strong in His mighty power! Love to you.
Oh my. This is a real blessing to me, you can't even begin to imagine. One of my most favorite passages in the Bible is in Psalm 139, especially verse 13. God bless you!
What a wonderful testimony of your life in Christ! Thank you for sharing this, Denise ~ His promise to love us and always be with us brings me such comfort, too.
Bless you Denise!!! Great testimony and precious image! I love many of the comments... but I love you MORE! You are beautiful from the very beginning! You are still safe in His hands and secure in His love! Though these last couple of years, you have been shaken pretty severely, you still are fighting and winning the victory, running a great race, overcoming and pressing on. I love how you wrote... you don't have to look above when life is hard but right beside you! AMEN! or right within you and definitely shining from you!
Love your boldness! John 10:28 "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." Love you MUCHOOOOOOOOOOO! (((HUGS))) Peggy (gotta go visit Sharon now and maybe Cathy, if I still have time)...later. I thought I could do WFWs faster... yeah, right...
What a great image! And what a powerful testimony to life you are!
Oh my gosh, I never knew this about you and your life from the very YOU HAVE been blessed.
Glad you are here - one of the strongest women I know :) A fighter from even inside the womb!
Beautiful words of wisdom and I'm so glad you made it to my world.
I'm so glad you made it to my world.
What a beautiful post, Denise! And what a testament you are to God's love for His children!!♥
oh my goodness what a story! I am glad you were born!
A beautiful post. I know your testimony and your spirit helps many! Including me! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.
I am at McDonalds for a few minutes. Thought I would post but I can't upload photo's! Bummer.
I can't comment on your blog anymore on my phone. Did you change something?
Have a beautiful day.
Go Shorty Bear Go!
I love this post this morning as I rejuvenate my spirit. Thank you for that lovely picture of Whose only hands saves, protects, comforts...etc...God bless you sis and always be strong in His mighty power! Love to you.
you are special, denise. and loved by so many of us here.
Oh my. This is a real blessing to me, you can't even begin to imagine. One of my most favorite passages in the Bible is in Psalm 139, especially verse 13. God bless you!
What a wonderful testimony of your life in Christ! Thank you for sharing this, Denise ~ His promise to love us and always be with us brings me such comfort, too.
Amazing and awesome testimony! Thank you for sharing :)
What an amazing story. You are definitely meant to be in this world.
So glad God had His way when He made you, Denise! To God be the glory!
Denise! I LOVE seeing your sweet comments...they truly uplift! Thank you for joining us so faithfully! You are a treasure friend!
Praying always for you!
That is precious, little miracle baby. :)You are an inspiration to others. Love you ~
Thank you for sharing this!!!
wow this brings tears to my eyes as you have such a testimony.
Thank you for stopping by.
Wow what a testimony, He loves you indeed and has a wonderful purpose for your life, one of that is touching your reader's life through your blog.
Thank you for sharing, I'm praising the Father for your life.
Bless you Denise!!! Great testimony and precious image! I love many of the comments... but I love you MORE! You are beautiful from the very beginning!
You are still safe in His hands and secure in His love! Though these last couple of years, you have been shaken pretty severely, you still are fighting and winning the victory, running a great race, overcoming and pressing on. I love how you wrote... you don't have to look above when life is hard but right beside you! AMEN! or right within you and definitely shining from you!
Love your boldness!
John 10:28
"I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." Love you MUCHOOOOOOOOOOO! (((HUGS)))
(gotta go visit Sharon now and maybe Cathy, if I still have time)...later.
I thought I could do WFWs faster... yeah, right...
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