Sunday, December 18, 2011

One Week Until Christmas

Woo Hoo, only one week until Christmas. I am so excited, I feel like a little kid. Eddie, and I, finally know what our plans are. On Christmas Eve, we are eating dinner, and exchanging gifts at Eddie's parents. Then, on Christmas Day, we will be eating dinner at my sister in -laws, and exchanging gifts with her, my niece and her husband, and my precious great nephew Zachary. After we leave there, we will be going to my dad's, to exchange gifts, and have snacks. . My sister will be there, and one of my step-brother's, his wife, and little boy. My sister and I, are spending the night with my dad, I am looking so forward to this time with my family, love them so very much. Praying that all of you, have a wonderful Christmas.


Alleluiabelle said...

I love you sweet sister.

Thank you for beautiful friendship and prayers. You continue to be such an inspiration and encouragement to me during your own deep trials. I feel truly blessed to know call you call you friend.

I am so happy that you will be spending precious time at Christmas with your family. It doesn't get any better than that.

Merry Christmas and may God bless you with His abundance of love, peace, prosperity, joy, good health and so very much more. May 2012 be the year of His amazing miracles.

Again...I love you so very much.


Anonymous said...

How blessed you are to have your family and extended family to share Christmas with.....
Mama Bear

Donetta said...

listen to the giggle in your voice. you are so beautiful!
you make me smile.
loving you

From the Heart said...

Sounds like a good time will be had by all.

My oldest daughter will be home sometime this week and dh's niece, her husband and their son will be coming either the 23rd 24th. They adopted a set of twins when they were 3 months old in 1989. One died a couple years ago in a car wreck (by himself). He ran off the road, overcorrected, the car rolled over him after it threw him out of the car (he did not have a seat belt on). They still are having a hard time accepting this.
For about 6 yrs they did not come home after the twins got to be teenagers. They came a few years ago and the twin that's still with them must have fallen in love with some in my family because NC is where he always wants to come. They will stay with dh's brother and his wife but will come here for Christmas Eve and back again on Christmas day. She has a sister that lives not too far away and they will probably come over on Christmas Day, so our little apartment will be full, but I enjoy having them all here.

You are truly blessed to have a sister. I was an only child but dh has a large family and I love them all. We will get together with them on New Year's Eve.

Karen said...

Denise, Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. Merry Christmas to you and hubby.

Cathy said...

Those plans sound great, Dear. I wish you a wonderful and blessed Christmas. Love you

Pia said...

those are great plans! hope you enjoy this time with your family, denise. have a merry, merry christmas!

Peggy said...

WOO HOO! Blessings galore ...Denise and praise God!

This sounds so wonderful and you so deserve to have this to look forward to and enJOY!

May the JOY and expectancy be only a glimmer of the Glory yet to come for you! May your CHRISTmas be blessed and the merriest ever! Treasure each one!

Love, joy, hope and peace,
(you need to publish comments so I can see which ones I've missed to catch up)

Jocelyn said...

Hope your Christmas goes SUPER well!