Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives. When He looked out over the crowds, His heart broke. So confused, and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. “What a huge harvest!” He said to His disciples. “How few workers! On your knees, and pray for harvest hands!”
Matthew 9:36-38 (The Message): Wow, such a powerful verse, really makes me think. I have spent so much of my life sick, emotionally, as well as physically. I have been a lost sheep without a Shepherd, wandering aimlessly lost. Have you ever heard what a sheep sounds like, when someone cuts its throat? It is beyond pitiful, it sounds like a little baby crying. I have made those sounds many times in my own life, very recently actually. Crying deeply, letting my inner baby out. Screaming for my Shepherd to come rescue me, knee deep in prayers, needing Him so very desperately. Stumbling my way in total darkness, looking for my Shepherd to lead me back home, and away from the hurt and mass confusion. Actually knowing that one day, I may fully remain in the darkness due to blindness. He never fails me, always comes to my rescue. He looks for me, finds me, and brings me home. I love laying in the safety of His arms, as He gently picks me up, and carries me. He lets my wobbly knees quit shaking, as I gain control of my emotions. Then, He sets me back down on solid ground. Do I lose hope during these times, and want to totally give up? No, the exact opposite. I gain strength from these times, and even more faith. I want to climb up on rooftops, and shout out to others:Hey, listen to me people, Jesus is real. He is coming soon, time is running out. Look around you, people are hurting in major ways. There are wounded souls all around us daily, take off your rose colored glasses, and see what is really going on. We need workers, and not just a few, but workers beyond measure. Your bodies are needed, right now this very day. Your eyes to see the needs of a dying, and hurting world. Your heart to show compassion, and the love of Jesus to those seeking help for their lost souls. Your hands to reach out, and give a helping hand up to someone in great need. Your legs to run to the needy, who are down on their luck, and can barely make it on their own anymore. Answer the call of the Good Shepherd, He has always heard you when you cry, and searched until He found you. He will forever welcome you back into the fold. So, bring others into the fold, that is the very least you can do.
Matthew 9:36-38 (The Message): Wow, such a powerful verse, really makes me think. I have spent so much of my life sick, emotionally, as well as physically. I have been a lost sheep without a Shepherd, wandering aimlessly lost. Have you ever heard what a sheep sounds like, when someone cuts its throat? It is beyond pitiful, it sounds like a little baby crying. I have made those sounds many times in my own life, very recently actually. Crying deeply, letting my inner baby out. Screaming for my Shepherd to come rescue me, knee deep in prayers, needing Him so very desperately. Stumbling my way in total darkness, looking for my Shepherd to lead me back home, and away from the hurt and mass confusion. Actually knowing that one day, I may fully remain in the darkness due to blindness. He never fails me, always comes to my rescue. He looks for me, finds me, and brings me home. I love laying in the safety of His arms, as He gently picks me up, and carries me. He lets my wobbly knees quit shaking, as I gain control of my emotions. Then, He sets me back down on solid ground. Do I lose hope during these times, and want to totally give up? No, the exact opposite. I gain strength from these times, and even more faith. I want to climb up on rooftops, and shout out to others:Hey, listen to me people, Jesus is real. He is coming soon, time is running out. Look around you, people are hurting in major ways. There are wounded souls all around us daily, take off your rose colored glasses, and see what is really going on. We need workers, and not just a few, but workers beyond measure. Your bodies are needed, right now this very day. Your eyes to see the needs of a dying, and hurting world. Your heart to show compassion, and the love of Jesus to those seeking help for their lost souls. Your hands to reach out, and give a helping hand up to someone in great need. Your legs to run to the needy, who are down on their luck, and can barely make it on their own anymore. Answer the call of the Good Shepherd, He has always heard you when you cry, and searched until He found you. He will forever welcome you back into the fold. So, bring others into the fold, that is the very least you can do.
Amen, Denise. Jesus is standing at the door. Right now, He is still knocking. We must call on Him while He may be found.
Denise I don't think you realize how well you stand on the rooftop and shout the message each and every day in this blog. You are truly a light leading to him. Bless you sweet one.
Amen to that. So very true. I pray that you will continue to light your light for christ and remain a beacon for all that are searching for him. God is on our side as we are on his.
God Loves you so much and so do I,
Oh what a blessing it is to have such a Shepherd as Him to watch over us. We need to introduce more sheep into the flock to enjoy that blessing in their lives. The blessing of God watching over them and setting them once again on solid ground.
Even one day is all it takes to make a big difference. Even one soul out of millions...Amen sister! God bless and keep you!
Praise God for you, Denise. HE is faithful.
What a wonderful Shepherd we have... Thank you so much for your beautiful heart. love you sweet sis
Isn't Jesus the greatest!!!!!
I love your gentle, honest heart as you've so eloquently expressed it here. Blessings to you today.
Amen! So much work to do...so little time...and too many rose colored glasses....
What a beautiful post. I am very glad I know you Denise. Blessings to you! Anne
You are such a blessing.
Thanks for always sharing from your heart.
Bless you, sweet friend. Jesus loves you, and so do I. Yes, we do need to be workers for the harvest of souls. The world needs Jesus.
You are inspiring Denise.
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