Monday, October 18, 2010


I was tagged by Jocelyn to answer 4 questions, then I pick 4 bloggers to answer 4 new questions. Here are the 4 questions:
1) What's one moment in your life where you knew that God was really with you? Last Christmas Eve when my husband passed out in my arms, and almost died.
2) Finish this sentence: One day, I would like to: create world peace.
3) If you could meet any one person for lunch tomorrow, who would you choose? president Obama, so I could say prayers for him.
4) What's your current favorite song? My soul longs for you.
Now, here are 4 people I am tagging:
Mollye, Anne, Kay, Angie Here are the 4 questions: 1)Favorite woman of the Bible? 2)Favorite season? 3)Favorite cookies? 4) Do you chew gum?


Jocelyn said...

=D I *just* saw this =) Loved your answers! Thank you for answering them (I didn't know you were tagged before - but thank you so much for taking the time to answer them!) God bless you! =)

Sharon Brumfield said...

Goodness I don't know what I would say if I had time with Obama face to face...maybe I would bring my younger brother since he is the political head in our family. :)Prayers are needed!
Love the picture in your header! If we could see ourself through our Father's eyes just once I do believe that is what we would see.

Nana's Nuggets said...

Good Morning Denise! I Love this! Started my morning off on a Happy:) Note! 1)Fav woman of bible.. I love Mary & Martha...2)Fav.Season, Fall....3) Fav cookie...Orea's...and 4)Do I chew gum? yes. did I do this right? Hope so because I had a lot of fun:) Thanks for the "Tag!"

Nikki (Sarah) said...

great insight to knowing you more. ☺

LisaShaw said...

Great answers sister!! I was deeply touched by #1. Love ya

Anonymous said...

I love Q&As!!! God was with me when my 4th and 5th son were born. He held the 4th in the palm of His hand!

Peggy said...

Blessings Denise... Always fun to get to see how you answer these questions and get to know more about you. What precious answers! Two tags that's why you have so many posts for me to catch up on but these are fun to read! I was sure of #1!!! I'm so glad that I'm tag/award free but this does look like a fun, harmless way to get to know more about each other. Like your questions...1)Mary 2) Fall 3) most; choc.chips, oatmeal, peanut butter, but I miss many Christmas cookies my mom use to make 4)yes especially when driving back & forth to MN to MX crossing, high levels to sea level, my ears need to chew the Trident or "chicles", also believe it or not, a dentist here told me to chew gum...

Love & hugs,

Michele Williams said...

The president does need lots of prayers.

Irene said...

I love the quotation on your header. Amen. Hugs and love.

my home sanctuary said...

How fun. I like your lunch date idea. I enjoyed your Sunday post too. I constantly have to ask for strength, direction and courage to deal with all the changes I go through. Thanks for the reminder.
Hope your week is Blessed.

Leaon Mary said...

Hey Denise,
Loved reading your answers today.
And love the picture and verses up above! I was wondering if you mind if I copy the picture? The Lords been really showing me this past week to put my armor on everyday.
